Slavery - The Hidden History

Date:Friday 9th March 2007
Time: 6pm
Venue: The Seven Stars Pub
Price: Free
At the end of the 18th century, slave ship sailors and abolitionists met in the Seven Stars pub to plot the end of the slave trade. Join us at this historic Bristol landmark for a night of plotting, moshing and moonstomping. Compere Mark Steeds will introduce us to the history of the Seven Stars before handing over to Bridgewater DJ Dave Chapple who will lead us towards ska enlightenment. DJ Chapple's lecture will be a musical odyssey from the end of slavery in Jamaica to independence; or as he puts it Slavery, Garveyism and Independence: Jamaican popular music 1954 to 1972.
We gave so much in one night, but there was more! Set the controls for the heart of Cyder Space with the Surfin' Turnips, still hot from supporting the Wurzels in Bridgewater.
Mark Steeds - Renaissance Man and Publican - is a member of the Long John Silver Trust, local historian and purveyor of fine ales at the Beauford Arms in Hawkesbury, Upton.