BRHG Publications

Publications from the Bristol Radical History Group, formed in 2006, continue the [Bristol Broadsides] tradition. Although the group’s roots are exhilaratingly radical, veering on the anarchic, their publications are scrupulously researched and well-worth reading. Mike Manson, Bristol Civic Society, 2021.

We now have a range of four types of publications: Books, Reprints, Activist Memories oral history and the Bristol Radical Pamphleteer series.

Also, checkout the publications from our friends:

Activist Memories

The Activist Memories series captures, through oral history interviews, the life experience of those who have fought for a better world.

BRHG Reprints

Lesser known but important historical texts produced in their original style.

BRHG Books

Bristol Radical History Group books published outside of the Bristol Radical Pamphleteer range.

Bristol Radical Pamphleteer

Pamphlets and booklets published by Bristol Radical History Group.

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