BRHW 2006 - Lecture, Debates & Gigs
A collection of pictures from various events at Bristol Radical History week 2006. A collection of pictures from various events at Bristol Radical History week 2006. Lectures, debates, films, gigs and exhibitions - 32 events over 9 days at 7 venues. Words, film, art & music from Bristol and around the world.

BRHW 2006 - James Nayler Commemoration
The opening event of Bristol Radical History Week 2006 was a commemoration of James Nayler's ride into Bristol in 1656. The cast included The Blew Regiment of The Cittie of London Trayned Bandes from the Sealed Knot and The Red Hot Frilly Kickers, a cancan troupe. This gallery contains the script used during the reconstruction of James Nayler's trial.
See a Slide show of Simon Chapman's photographs from this event by clicking here.
These photographs are copyright Simon Chapman 2006, simonchapman@tantraweb.co.uk

BRHW 2006 - Publicity Material
This gallery contains all of the material that was used to publicise Bristol Radical History Week 2006. Black & white posters, colours posters, flyers and the cinematic trailer.

SHH 2007 - Publicity Material
This gallery contains the publicity material for Slavery - The Hidden History. These events were held between 4th and 15th March 2007.

BRHW 2007 - Publicity Material
This gallery contains the publicity material for Bristol Radical History Week 2007 - Witches, Pirates & Smugglers. These events were held between 27th October to 6th November 2007.

BRHW 2007 - Pirates At The Seven Stars
Booze, music and merriment at The Seven Stars . This was the final event of Bristol Radical History Week 2007 Pirate Day.

Down With The Fences - Publicity Material
The publicity material from Down With The Fences, a series of events from 2008.

BRHW 2008 - 3 Bands & A Reenactment At The Seven Stars
A Raucous Night At The Seven Stars During Bristol Radical History Week 2008. Staring The Surfin' Turnips, Who's Afear'd, Paul McCoch and King Edmund I.

BRHW 2008 - Publicity Material
Off with Their Heads - Assassins, Plots & Regicide a.k.a Bristol Radical History Week 2008. This gallery contains all of the publicity material.

The Seven Stars Plaque Unveiling
The unveiling of the Thomas Clarkson Plaque outside The Seven Stars Pub on Friday 1st May 2009.

Spring 2009 Programme Publicity
A gallery of publicity material used for the Spring 2009 Programme of events.

The Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2009
Some photographs of Radical Milk Maids and Clockwork Piñatas from Bristol Radical History Group's trip to Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2009.

Garnett Vrs. Churchill
The re-enactment of Theresa Garnett's attack on Winston Churchill on Bristol Temple Meads station in 1909. This was part of the Autumn 2009 events.

Bristol 1831
A selection of paintings and prints from the 1831 Bristol Uprising and Queen Square Riot. This gallery includes may of J.W. Muller's paintings of Queen Square and the Bristol Gaols burning.

Hazard & Nayler
Paintings and engravings of James Nayler and Dorothy Hazard, both famous Bristol radicals.

Slavery, Resistance & Rebellion
Pictures of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, abolitionists and Maroon rebels.

Ogden's Cigarette Cards - Smuggling & Smugglers
A series of cigarette cards from 1932 on the theme of Smuggler & Smuggling.