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Bristol Radical History Week 2007
Witches, Pirates & Smugglers

Meet The Director: Paul Tickell

Date: Thursday 1st November 2007
Venue: The Cube Microplex, Dove St.
Time: 7.30pm
Price: £3/£4
Speaker: Paul Tickell

The Cube Microplex is a membership cinema with a licensed bar. If you are not a member you need to pay a £1 membership fee on your first visit. Remember to bring your card with you every time you come.

Rasicm: A History: Part 1

The first part of Racism: A History was screened in March this year on BBC4. Partly filmed at Bristol Radical History week last year, the first of this excellent three part documentary deals with the rise of transatlantic slavery. Bristol Radical History Group think this is one of the best documentary series we have ever seen on the BBC. What did other viewers think on the BBC website? Here is a selection:

"This should be shown in every secondary school in the country. Marvellous and disturbing truth…"

"A masterpiece! One of the few times that I feel my licence fee has been well spent…"

"Powerful and incredibly important…"

"Fantastic three-part series. Beautifully documented in a factual, no-nonsense manner. We are very pleased to have Paul Tickell introducing and discussing the film."

LWT researcher and later producer/director on South of Watford, the London Programme, Network 7 and the South Bank Show, Paul Tickell later moved into his current freelance career, directing dramas and feature films as well as continuing to make documentaries. He is the director of the critically acclaimed works Christie Malry's Own Double Entry (2002), Crush Proof (1999) and Zinky Boys Go Underground (1995) which won the BAFTA best short film award.

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