Tag Index: Yate


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Trouble at the White City

Bristol and strikes in the armed forces in 1919

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
  This talk considers, from a Bristol perspective, the huge wave of strikes involving tens, if not hundreds of thousands of personnel in the British Armed forces at the end of World War One. Mass insubordination, refusals and in some cases mutiny swept through army, navy and air force personnel in January 1919. Driven by the desire for immediate demobilisation and fears that politicians and military leaders might commit them to the ongoing invasion of revolutionary Russia and other colonial […]

Sodbury and District Historical Society

A local history group that meets the second Friday of each month, 7.30pm at the Masonic Hall, Hatters Lane, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol BS37 6AA. Annual fee is £15, no monthly fee. Join at any meeting, reduced annual fee after December for new members. E-mail: chippingsodburyhistoricalsocie @gmail.com

Trouble at the White City – strikes in the British armed forces in 1919

This talk considers, from a Bristol perspective, the huge wave of strikes involving tens, if not hundreds of thousands of personnel in the British Armed forces at the end of World War One. Mass insubordination, refusals and in some cases mutiny swept through army, navy and air force personnel in January 1919. Driven by the desire for immediate demobilisation and fears that politicians and military leaders might commit them to the ongoing invasion of revolutionary Russia and other colonial […]

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