Tag Index: Twentieth Century

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Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice

By Dilar Dirik

Front cover of Kurdish Women's Movement featuring woman in landscape
Dilar Dirik, Kurdish Women’s Movement: History, Theory, Practice (London: Pluto, 2022). “Our defence is not for a piece of land, but for the protection of life’s ability to unfold itself” (Nûda, member of the YPJ, the women’s defence units, 237). This is a meticulously researched and critically argued book from an author writing not only about but from within the Kurdish women’s movement. In the West, Dilar Dirik is one of the most prominent and articulate voices on the role of women in the […]

What can we learn about mental health care from Bristol’s psychiatric hospital?

  In 1861, Bristol’s Lunatic Asylum opened its doors and 164 pauper patients transferred from the workhouse. What treatment did this new state-of-the-art hospital provide, and how did it evolve over the next 130 years until closing in 1994? Stella Mann of the Glenside Hospital Museum, housed in the old asylum chapel, will talk about the evolution of Bristol’s mental health provision from the Victorian age to the present day. History can be discovered through many different routes. Every […]

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