Tag Index: South Africa


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London Recruits

After a 10 year wait BRHG are very pleased to announce a special one-off showing of London Recruits as part of this years festival. The film will be followed by a discussion by some of those who took part in actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1960s and 70s. By the late 1960s, the Apartheid regime in South Africa had reached brutal new heights. Nelson Mandela and other freedom fighters had been imprisoned, killed or forced into exile. The African National Congress (ANC) […]

The London Recruits: undercover in apartheid South Africa

The history of the Anti-Apartheid movement brings up images of boycotts and public campaigns in the UK. But another story went on behind the scenes, in secret, one that has been never told before. This is the story of the foreign recruits and their activities in South Africa, how they acted in defiance of the Apartheid government and its police on the instructions of the African National Congress (ANC). Ken Keable made two undercover trips to Johannesburg and Durban in 1968 and 1970 to […]

Bristol Against Apartheid

Bristol Radical History Festival 2023 poster, featuring a Walter Crane print
The exhibition provides examples of the activism of Bristol Anti-Apartheid Movement (BAAM) in its campaign to raise awareness of the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa. Formed in 1964, BAAM was one of the largest local groups affiliated to the national Anti-Apartheid Movement. Material donated to the Bristol Archives and photographs from the Bristol Post Archive show the diverse range of activities over the group's 30 year history - pickets, boycotts, meetings, fundraising events such as […]

The Secret War Against Apartheid

transparent fiddle The Secret War Against Apartheid
Ken Keable, editor of London Recruits - the secret war against apartheid will be talking about that book and his own role in the story, and Pete Smith, who worked secretly for the ANC over many years, will be talking about ANC and South Afirican Communist Party member and scientist Dr Ron Press, who lived much of his life in Bristol . Many Bristol political activists will remember Ron Press for his publicly known work but few will know of the secret work that he did as an exiled South African […]

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