How did a Bristol grandmother end up with a 20 month prison sentence for taking part in a peaceful protest? How did the law change after the acquittal of the Colston 4 to prevent future protestors talking about the issues that motivated their actions in court? Why did the police think they could arrest a man in Oxford for criticising the King? Is it true that, in the words of Liberty lawyer Katy Watts, "broad anti-protest laws are shutting down people’s freedom of expression"? In this session, […]
Not A BRHG Event
It's taken the vindictive British state and it's imperfect judicial system 18 months, but on Monday 13 December 2021 they will finally start the prosecution of just four, of the hundreds of protesters, who allegedly participated in the toppling of the Colston Statue way back on 7 June 2020. That statue toppling happened in the midst of Bristol's huge Black Lives Matter protest, as once again angry Bristolians made history and kicked over the statues. Now it's time to stand again in support of […]
Not A BRHG Event
United Reform Church Hall, Boulevard, Waterloo St, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1LF The ‘Swing riots’ were a massive wave of protests, machine breaking, arson and extortion carried out by impoverished farm labourers and village artisans between the summers of 1830-31. Beginning in Kent the movement spread rapidly to engulf numerous counties in southern England. The uprising became known as the 'Swing riots' as the collective destruction was usually preceded by threatening letters to landowners signed […]