Tag Index: prisoners


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Radical Alternatives to Prison (RAP)

Radical Alternatives to Prison (RAP) was set up in 1970 in London by a group of ex-prisoners and people connected with the prison service. We are very pleased to have Ros Kane speaking, one of the co-founders of RAP, along with the late Sandra Roskowski. Ros practiced as a psychiatric social worker at Wormwood Scrubs Prison Hospital before helping found the organisation. Ros's talk will cover why RAP was set up, how it operated and what it proposed as alternatives (schemes from both sides of the […]

‘A Fitting Receptacle for the Depraved and Abandoned’: Rethinking Punishment at Bristol’s New Gaol, 1816-1831

Bristol’s new gaol on Cumberland Road first opened its doors for business in 1820. Ambitiously conceived as a modern alternative to the crumbling, insecure and insanitary old prison at Newgate, the architects of the New Gaol sought to turn punishment into a science. Systems of hard labour, a treadwheel, constant surveillance, segregation, religious instruction and minimal interpersonal association were intended to target prisoners’ minds as well their bodies. The New Gaol’s reputation amongst […]

Restore – A Benefit Night For Bristol’s Kill The Bill Prisoners

At Strange Brew on Friday 15th December, 7-10pm

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
Time for some seasonal solidarity! A fundraiser for Bristol's Kill The Bill prisoners, hosted by the Justice for Bristol Protesters campaign, with all proceeds going to the Bristol ABC prisoner support fund (online donations here). Featuring two live bands, dj, prisoners art & poems, films, and live art from the Bristol Mural Collective. Info, tickets, and band videos from Headfirst here. Or rock up and pay (cash if possible) on the door! Strange Brew is a multi-room DIY art space / music […]

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