Not A BRHG Event
It's the time of year to subvert your friends and families with a range of radical gifts at the next Bristol Radical Bookfair on Sunday 26th November, 11-3.30pm. Hosted again by Active Distro at the Exchange, 72 - 73 Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0EJ, it is of course a FREE event, cunningly timed to fit between the commercial scams that are Black Friday & Cyber Monday! BRHG should have a full book stall, alongside a dozen or more others in the main hall; and down in the basement at 12.30pm, […]
The Enigma of Hugh Holmes Gore: Bristol’s Nineteenth Century Christian Socialist Solicitor. By Mike Richardson. This is the second book published by BRHG. Find out more... Please circulate this flyer.
The Anglo – Catholic convert to the left, Hugh Holmes Gore, was a key figure in Bristol’s labour movement during the last two decades of the nineteenth century. Gore linked Clifton Christian Socialists, morally concerned about the poverty and suffering caused by economic depression, with the working class revolutionaries in the Bristol Socialist Society. His eloquence as a speaker moved dockers and miners and attracted working class votes in local elections. He was popular as the ‘people’s […]