Tag Index: Forest of Dean


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More From The Forest

transparent fiddle More From The Forest
You can watch a new film about the Fight for the Forest on Blip.TV Forest Of Dean attacked by Con DemLog Out government - selling off land & destroying services & communities "The Forest of Dean is being attacked by this Con Dem government who are attempting to bring in new laws to sell off the Forest of Dean, as well as shutting down libraries and youth centres, and cutting benefits and public services to the most vulnerable people in our communities. On Friday 26th November people […]

Hands Off Our Forest

transparent fiddle Hands Off Our Forest
Hands Off Our Forest is an organisation dedicated to fighting the threatened privatisation of the Forest of Dean. They have a new website that will contain information about meetings and rallies if you want to get involved. The address is: Hands Off Our Forest - an organisation dedicated to fighting the threatened privatisation of the Forest of Dean.A full web site will be published in the next few days but meanwhile for further information, to offer your support and help and for news of planned […]

Hands Off Our Forest

transparent fiddle Hands Off Our Forest
FORESTERS have sprung into action in united opposition to what they believe will be a sell-off of public forests in England, including parts of the Dean. Action got underway following the government’s announcement last Friday (October 29) that it is committed to: “Fundamentally reform the public forestry estate, with diminishing public ownership and a greater role for private and civil society partners.” Political leaders in the Forest unanimously welcomed the announcement. Forest MP, Mark […]

Coelford Festival Of Words

transparent fiddle Coelford Festival Of Words
Was Warren James Right To Protest? Friday 13th August, 7pm, Coleford Baptist Church. £3 In 1831 Warren James led 3000 Foresters to tear down the enclosures that prevented their livelihood.... In 2010 300 people gathered at Hopewell Colliery at an event to remember Warren James and this history... A talk by Simon Sandall historian, lecturer and author. The free-miners of Dean and the defence of Forest custom during the seventeenth century ‘I want to say a few words about the history of protest in […]

Warren James On The Web

transparent fiddle Warren James On The Web
Those of you who missed the excellent Warren James day in the Forest of Dean last weekend and those who were there and want to relive it might be interested in the following link: Keep an eye open for photos etc. from the event.

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