Tag Index: Dublin


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History Walk: The one road

From Bristol to Dublin

A walk though time and space with Mark Steeds, covering no less than 1,500 years of Bristols historic connections with Dublin and featuring Saints and Sinners, Roundheads and Royalists, Colonists and Criminals, Transportees and Treachery, Merchants and Murders… From the efforts of Wulfstan in 1090 to ban the trade in Anglo Saxon slaves with the invading Vikings in Dublin, via the Easter Monday massacre of 1209 in Killin Woods, outside of Dublin, when 500 new settlers from Bristol were attacked […]

 ‘Stopping business as usual’

The Dunnes anti-apartheid strike within a wider political environment

  The three-year strike which followed the July 1984 refusal of eleven workers at Dunnes' Stores Henry Street branch in Dublin to handle South African goods is perhaps the most celebrated episode of anti-apartheid activism outside Southern Africa, yielding memoirs, academic scholarship, radio and television documentaries and even a play. While still recounting the essential narrative of the strike for those unfamiliar with it, Padraig Durnin's talk will explore what made it exceptional in […]

‘We build them up and we pull them down’: Sarah Lundberg Summer School – Dublin

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
Sarah Lundberg Summer School - Seán O'Casey Theatre, St Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin 3, Ireland The 10th annual Sarah Lundberg Summer School is an exploration of the concept of commemoration, remembrance and celebration. Who decides what is remembered and how do we remember it ? Are all commemorations of equal importance, can remembrance be 'neutral' or is there always an agenda ? Does history dictate how we commemorate the past, or do commemorations shape how we view the past ? Presentations […]

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