Tag Index: chartism


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The Newport Chartist Convention 2011

transparent fiddle The Newport Chartist Convention 2011
Saturday 5 November - 11.00am startSt. Mary’s Institute, Stow Hill, NP20 1JJ A Newport surgeon (Roger Morgan, re-enactor) will report on the injuries sustained in Newport on the morning of November 4th, 1839 and demonstrate how the wounded were treated. And there will be ‘time travelling’ lecturers with ‘magic lantern slides’: Karin Molson, on behalf of Shire Hall ‘Campaign’ Project, will show DVDs made with young people involved in ’active citizenshi’ that has been inspired by the Chartist […]

Wiltshire History Day

transparent fiddle Wiltshire History Day
Organised by White Horse Trades Union Council on 6th November 2010 at St. Margaret's Hall Bradford-on-Avon from 10am. Talk subjects include Chartists and Swing rebellions in Wiltshire as well as strikes in Swindon. You can find more details about this event on Socialist Unity where you can read blogger Andy Newman's assertion that BRHG take "a fundamentally anti-working class and anti-trade union approach" (comment 27). He goes on to say: "there is a smart alec, middle class, know-all-ism about […]

Gloucester Local History Day

transparent fiddle Gloucester Local History Day
Saturday 2nd October 2pm-5pm Sir Thomas Richs School Longlevens A fair days wage for a fair days work- workers movements in Gloucestershire Talks include: Work wages and protest in Gloucestershire 1738-1830 by Prof Adrian Randall Swing riots in Gloucestershire Chartists and the Chartist Land Company in Glocestershire by Rev John Evans Cost £5 including tea& biscuits

Spring Events

transparent fiddle Spring Events
As well as the Morris Beckman event at The Cube on 1st March 2010 Bristol Radical History Group are planning a series of events for April around the theme of the inevitable General Election: Bristol Radical History Group Election Special The Struggle for Democracy in Britain Recent British histories arrogantly claimed that the ‘we’ brought democracy to the Empire and ultimately the world in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Despite centuries of struggle to wrestle power from an elite few, the vote in […]

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