It is with great sadness that we report the death of Jayne Dentith on 5th July. Jayne was one of the Red Hot Frilly Kickers Can Can troupe who literally kicked off the first ever Bristol Radical History Group event in October 2006. The Frilly Kickers played the role of the ranting women who with radical Quaker preacher James Nayler blasphemously recreated Christ's entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in Bristol in 1656. Jane is shown below protecting James Nayler (Ben) from arrest by […]
An Audience With Lucio Urtubia
‘Robbing Banks Is An Honour For Me'
As a tasty hors d'oeuvre to Bristol Radical History Week 2008 we are extremely pleased to present Lucio Urtubia, anarchist, bank robber, forger, fugitive and above all bricklayer. We will also be showing the biopic/documentary Lucio.
Monday 20th October, 7:30pm at The Cube.
Click here for full details of this event.
We Give You So Much At One Time
12 Events In 12 Days The programme for Bristol Radical History Week 2008 is complete. To see the full details of all the events CLICK HERE. Speakers: Geoffrey Robertson, Colin Thomas, Matt Carr, Phil Ruff, Ian Haywood, Dawn Dyer, Jane Bradley, Steve Poole, Robert Lamb, David Cullum, David Rollison, Gayle Boyle. Performers: Roy Bailey, Eirlys Rhiannon, Robb Jonhson And The Irregulars, Clayton Blizzard, The Surfin' Turnips, Who's Afear'd, Paul McCoch, Martin Maudsley. Tickets for the Roy Bailey […]
Bristol Radical History Week 2008
Off With Their Heads
Assassins, Plots & Regicide
Saturday 24th October - Tuesday 4th November To see the full programme of these events click here. January 2009 sees the 360th anniversary of the regicide of Charles I and the creation of the English Republic, a unique moment in our island's history. To commemorate this momentous event, Bristol Radical History Week 2008 features 10 days of lectures, debates, gigs and 'happenings' dedicated to the men and women who have attempted to instigate […]
Introduction Bristol Radical History Week comprised 31 events over 9 days in 7 different venues in the city centre. The objective of the week was to: Open up some of the ‘hidden’ history of Bristol to the public scrutiny and challenge some ‘commonly’ held ideas about historical events in the Bristol’s past. Approach this history from ‘below’, to examine the actions of the crowd, dissenters and revolutionaries as the ‘subject’ of history. Recognise that the history of Bristol is inexorably linked […]
This article was published in The Regional Historian, published by The Regional History Centre at the University of the West of England. 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Hosannah!', 'Prince of Peace!', 'Fairest of Ten Thousand!' shouted the mob of ranting women as they whipped their willow boughs through the air. They surrounded the serene figure of a silent man riding a hobbyhorse up Corn St. in Bristol City centre. Marching behind them, chanting 'England's Freedom! Soldier's Rights!', came a troop of New […]