ACTION NOW! The Forest of Dean
ACTION NOW!The Forest of Dean is being Enclosed and Sold off! Join us for a 'walk' on Sunday the 3rd of February! Take Notice, Foresters All, that Free Peoples of the Forest, intend to Meet at 12o'clock near the Free Miner Monument in Cinderford Triangle on Sunday next, the 3rd of February instant for the purpose of Opening the Forest, which hath in part of late been enclosed and threatened with Privatisation, Sale, "Land Exchanges" and other forms of political thievery and corruption. We […]
Permanent Culture Now, Bristol Indymedia and Bristol Radical History Group are proud to present as part of the Bristol Radical Film Festival a presentation and series of films about how propaganda was used by the Establishment during the time of the Empire and Colonialism to persuade our own population of the greatness of the empire. The techniques and manipulation of information have a resonance for today as we constantly see propaganda techniques used to justify illegal wars and policy […]
From Bristol with Love
Two good interviews. First one is an interview with Noel in 2011 just after the August Riots. He talks about his involvement in the Hartcliffe Riots, 1981 Riots and football hooliganism. The second is an interview with Dean Forest from the Forest of Dean. He talks about local history, 'Who killed the Bears?', Hands Off Our Forest, Squatting, the Wilderness Centre and much more.
Some members of BRHG, 'The James Nayler Brigade' travelled to London on Sunday to support our comrade 5th Monarchists and Muggletonians. Armed with hatchets and a pike (which we had buried some years ago in readiness for the reimposition of the satanic monarchy) we helped storm the Guild Hall and St. Paul's in celebration of the 5th Monarchist rising against the return of the King on 6th january 1661. One of the leaders of the insurrection, Thomas Venner spurred on the Fifth Monarchists with […]
Book Launch - Physical Resistance: A Hundred Year's of Anti-Fascism by Dave Hann Large-scale confrontations, disruption of meetings, sabotage and street fighting have been part of the practice of anti-fascism from the early twentieth century until the twenty-first. Rarely endorsed by any political party, the use of collective bodily strength remains a strategy of activists working in alliances and coalitions against fascism. In Physical Resistance famous battles against fascists, from the […]
Miscellaneous events from 2013.
Bye-Laws, Rules, & Orderes, for the Conduct, Management, & Government of all Pilots and Others Employed in any Pilot Boats or Other Vessels or Boats within the Port Of Bristol and within the Bristol Channel to the Eastward of Lundy Island, and or fixing and ascertaining the Rates and Taxes to be received and taken by such pilots and other persons, and for Repealing All Former Bye-Laws, Rules and Orders, Relating To Such Pilots &c Bristol: Printed at the Mirror Office By John Taylor […]