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Great Britain’s Greatest Beast

Those keen on heroes Often find they’ve feet of clay. Here’s one example: Someone who fought two world wars, England’s greatest Englishman, A national treasure Who rivals the Crown Jewels. Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. Churchill had a school-friend Called Aubrey Herbert Who, in 1915, wrote in his diary, “Winston's name fills Everyone with rage. Roman emperors killed slaves to Make themselves popular, He is killing free men To make himself famous.” Churchill enjoyed war. “A curse should rest […]

United We Stand Coming To Bristol

United We Stand Flyer Font
Townsend Productions are bringing their play United We Stand to Bristol's Bierkeller Theater on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th February 2015. The story follows Ricky Tomlinson and Des Warren from the 1971 builders' strike through to their subsequent convictions. Both humerous and moving the play examines the reasons behind the strike and considers why the Conservative government and building companies wanted revenge on the successful strikers. With a very creative use of only two actors and […]

Rosemary Green Update

So far the data we have managed to get on the website and the data we have that will get up loaded eventually, looks like this: 1855-59 - to be released 1860-69 - released 18-01-15 1870-79 - released 19-01-15 1880-89 - to be released 1890-95 - to be released 1855-95 Overall Summary - to be released There is also a document containing notes on how to best use and interpret the data sheets. The data sheets and the notes can be found here and more details about the Eastville Workhouse project can […]

Inside Out West

Eastville Workhouse Data
Inside Out West will have an item on the Eastville Workhouse unmarked graves project on Monday 19th January at 19:30 on BBC1. The Eastville Workhouse project was launched in 2012 after some members of Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG) were studying an old ordnance survey map of Ashley Down and Eastville (1902). They noticed that the burial ground for the Barton Regis workhouse at 100 Fishponds Rd, Eastville, marked as disused in 1902, made up part of present-day Rosemary Green just round the […]

Rosemary Green Burial Ground Data

The files listed on this page contain data by decade of the burials at Rosemary Green (marked "Burial Ground (Disused)" on the map below). These are people who died in Eastville Workhouse and were buried in unmarked graves at the site. The files are for Version 2.0 published November 2015 by Bristol radical History. More files for subsequent decades will be added as the are compiled. As existing files are corrected, expanded and updated new version numbers will be issued. A Note On Dates It is […]

A Child of the Jago

By Arthur Morrison
A child of jago
Arthur Morrison’s 1890’s novel A Child of the Jago is set in the slum courts of London’s East End. Life in the Jago is a Hobbesian war of all against all, a socialist Darwinist nightmare for which the legal jurisdiction is the law of the jungle. Based on the historic rookeries of London’s Old Nichol, the Jago is not only a geographical area but an existential state of desperation. Morrison penned A Child of the Jago in such a way as to both inform and also shock and titillate middle-class […]

The Christmas Truce(s)

From ‘No-Man’s Land’ to ‘Every Man’s Land’

A British sergeant is shot dead almost at the outset, as he stands on the parapet. But this makes no difference. It must be an accident. The supreme craving of humanity, the irresistible, spontaneous impulse born of a common faith and a common fear, fully triumph. And so the grey and khaki figures surge towards each other as one man. The movement has started on the right. It spreads like contagion. Only we officers, the sentries and a few non-commissioned officers remain in our trench. The men […]

United We Stand

The South Gloucestershire Division of the NUT is promoting performances of United We Stand ( ), a play about the case of the Shrewsbury 24, in Bristol. In 1972 tens of thousands of building workers won the first national strike in the industry for better pay and conditions. 'Flying pickets left the contractors reeling. The Tory government and the large building companies wanted revenge, and the 'Shrewsbury 24' were put on trial in the following year. 'Townsend Productions' new play, UNITED WE […]

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