Steve Mills will give a talk on the contents of his recent BRHG pamphlet/'Poaching in the South West'/ which considers the poaching wars in rural areas in the 18th and 19th Centuries and the arms race conducted between the poaching gangs, landowners and game keepers. He will also look at the development of the 'poaching' laws in the period and the famous Berkeley Case. More information here. Watch this talk
This talk will focus on an on-going research project into the anarchist elements of the wider Spanish community in Dowlais and Abercraf, c.1900-1920. Following a shortage of labour during the Second Boer War (1899-1902) the management of the Dowlais Iron Works used its subsidiary company in the Basque region to encourage Spanish labourers and their families to move to South Wales. By 1911 there were 264 Spaniards in the borough of Merthyr Tydfil, part of an international community which also […]
Not A BRHG Event
Join us for the annual Bristol Local History Book Fair. Books and pamphlets on sale from Bristol publishers, authors and societies. Browse a wide selection of local history titles and listen to free talks in the afternoon: 12.00pm – Martin Powell: the story of the world’s first test tube baby 1.30pm – Helen Thomas and Rosie Tomlinson: The Bedminster Tobacco Women project 2.30pm – Jacqueline Wadsworth: Florence, Maude, and the First World War 3.30pm – Molly Conisbee: A brief history of the […]
This is a copy of the programme handed out at the Eastville Workhouse burail ground memorial unveiling 16/11/2015. Download the programme here...
Some reaction to today’s memorial unveiling
Download the programme from the unveiling ceremony. The BBC put an article on their website: Eastville Workhouse's 'forgotten paupers' memorial unveiled. Beautiful, moving memorial this morning on Rosemary green, for 4000 men, woman & children buried in unmarked graves. — Hannahbella Nel (@Hannahbellaaaa) November 16, 2015 A follow up on our story with @BrisRadHis about unmarked paupers' graves: — BBC Inside Out West (@InsideOutWest) […]
In 2012, radical historians poring over old maps of east Bristol discovered a disused burial ground at Rosemary Green, close to the site of Eastville Workhouse. Over the following years, a team of local researchers revealed that in the nineteenth century more than 4,000 men, women and children from the workhouse had been interred in unmarked graves. Built in 1847 as a result of the New Poor Law, Eastville Workhouse was the largest in the Bristol area housing over a thousand inmates. 100 […]
At last year’s Merchant Venturers Charter Day service at the cathedral the Bishop of Bristol, stated that Edward Colston had: lived a life of significance... [and there]... may be still some speculation on some of the circumstances around his business roots right here The Bishop of Bristol’s clumsy attempt to rewrite history, effectively claiming that Colston’s involvement in the business of the slave trade was ‘speculation’ is unsurprising. A similar kind of air brushing occurred during a BBC […]