Otherstory presents - A puppet drama documentary about men on the run from conscription during World War 1. Using table top puppetry, photographs and posters from the period, the experience of men on the run is chronicled - including the extraordinary story of a secret chamber beneath a bike shop in Bedminster - and showing the wide network of support that enabled some men to reach the USA. This will be followed by a discussion/workshop looking at the historical material used in the show with a […]
News Feed
The News Feed is where all new content added to the website in all sections is listed chronologically. You can also access the RSS feed here, if you subscribe to it you can get automatic updates form our site. What is an RSS Feed?
Swords Into Ploughshares, Arms To Renewables
“To inflame the imagination of others” – that is the way shop steward convenor Mike Cooley saw the Lucas Aerospace Alternative Plan. The Plan had arisen out of the threat of massive redundancies at Lucas Aerospace in 1976 where half of its output depended on military contracts. Why, asked its workers, can’t we use our skills in creating socially useful products instead of making killing machines? And wouldn’t it make more sense spending money on things that society needed rather than on […]
Bristol Radical History Festival 2018
Building on the success of the 2017 Bristol Radical History Festival, M Shed and Bristol Radical History Group are excited to be hosting another event on Sunday May 6th 2018 with more talks, walks, performance and stalls. 2018 marks the anniversaries of two of the most significant historical moments in the 20th Century. The First World War ended in 1918. This centenary sees the Remembering the Real World War One group presenting recent research into the hidden histories of rebellious […]
Hidden Voices: Black and Asian Women and the Suffrage Movements in Britain and America
Not A BRHG Event
Part of Bristol Women’s Voice, International Women’s Day Celebrations in Room 1P04, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR. Note: A crèche with two hour slots is available at the venue. Black and Asian women's involvement in the British Suffrage Movement is largely unknown. Similarly, in America, the story of black women's struggles for the vote was omitted from the triumphalist histories written at the time of enfranchisement in 1920. The talk explores my efforts to uncover these stories so […]
The ‘Goddess’ and the ‘Leader’ in Prehistory?
Not A BRHG Event
Part of Bristol Women’s Voice, International Women’s Day Celebrations in Room 1P04, at City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR. Note: A creche with two hour slots is available at the venue. Some writers have claimed that human religion began everywhere with worship of a 'Great Mother Goddess' responsible for fertility of earth and humans. Archaeologists have also looked to find a 'leader' or 'chieftain' in prehistoric communities. But are assumptions about hierarchy in early religion and […]
Lady Blackshirts: Suffragettes who became fascists
Not A BRHG Event
Part of Bristol Women's Voice, International Women's Day Celebrations in Room 1P04, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR. Note: A crèche with two hour slots is available at the venue. During the 1930’s a small group of ultra-nationalistic women, joined Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists (BUF). Surprisingly some of these women were former high ranking members of the suffragette movement. This short talk looks at the politics of the time, why women may have been attracted to the BUF […]
Video from Bristol Radical History Festival 2017
These videos are of talks that were presented at the Bristol Radical History Festival 2017. Black lives and white mans war Silu Pascoe. Three British Anarchists in America Sheila Rowbotham. Mutiny in world war 1 Julian Putkowski. John Maclean and The War After The War Jim Slaven. Refusing to fight in World War 1 Lois Bibbings and Cyril Pearce. Bristol Women against world war one June Hannam and Bernadette Hyland.
Film Showing: Spiridonova – Armed Love
In Russia in October 1917 the Bolsheviks could rule only in coalition with LEFT SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONARIES who's charismatic leader MARIA SPIRIDONOVA was the equal of Lenin. Till April 1918 they maintained a fragile alliance but by June an uprising was inevitable and the outcome uncertain. SPIRIDONOVA maps those few months as tension grows and the divide between Leninism and a more libertarian socialism becomes starker........and fixed in history. Spiridonova is awash with assassins, plotters, […]
Miscellaneous 2018
Miscellaneous events for 2018. For a full list of Event Series see the Event Series Archive Page.
A Conscientious Concert
The music of Frank Merrick, World War 1 Conscientious Objector
Two performances at 13.15 & 15.30 Venue: Bristol Cathedral, College Green, BS1 5TJ Pianist: Steven Kings Soprano: Heather Ashford No booking required and no admission charge but there will be a collection at each performance. Visitors to the Refusing To Kill exhibition in Bristol Cathedral will have learnt about Frank Merrick and even heard his voice. With the support and involvement of Frank’s family we are now pleased to present a performance of some of his music. Frank Merrick was 31 when […]