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Nautical Woman – Women sailors and the women of sailortowns

A forgotten diaspora c.1693-1902

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
Bristol Central Library - Lunchtime talks - Foyer - Book Here The book explores the stories of women whose lives were inextricably linked to the sea. These include the women of sailortowns, like Bristol, who were struggling to keep out of the dreaded workhouse and resisting the prowling press gangs. Also, the courageous and skilful cross-dressing women sailors, some from Bristol, who went to extraordinary lengths to hide their gender. The stories of these women challenge our stereotypes of women […]

Parent Power: the fight against the closure of Gay Elms and Whitehouse primary schools in Withywood and Hartcliffe

7.00pm, Weds 7th December, Bishopsworth Library, Bishopsworth Rd, Bristol BS13 7LN In October 2000, Bristol City Council announced that it was considering shutting Gay Elms and Whitehouse primary schools, because in its view there were too many surplus school places in the Withywood and Hartcliffe areas. Sally Miewa, acting head of Whitehouse primary and Jackie Ball, chair of Gay Elms’ Parents Teachers Association expressed shock and anger on hearing the news and immediately began to organise […]

Hartcliffe: the estate born out of conflict

7.00pm, Wednesday 30 November, Hartcliffe Community Centre, Hareclive Rd, Bristol BS13 0JW The talk will cover the conflicts around the building of Hartcliffe on the outskirts of Bristol. The promise of the original plans and the comparison with what was finally built. The talk will draw upon council documents, media reports and comments of local residents at the time. Paul Smith grew up and lived in Hartcliffe for over 30 years. He represented the area as a councillor from 1988-1999 and […]

The battle of Melvin Square – Knowle West and anti-fascism in the 1930s

7.00pm, Tuesday 29th November, Filwood Library, Filwood Broadway, Bristol BS4 1JN During the 1930’s militant antifascism against Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts was ingrained and established amongst the Bristolian working-class. Discontented by their many defeats in the inner-city, industrial working-class districts of Bristol the British Union of Fascists (BUF) turned their attention to the new garden suburbs springing up on the outskirts of the city. Unfortunately for the BUF, working-class […]

South Bristol’s Garden Suburbs and Swimming Pools

7.00pm, Tuesday 22nd November, Filwood Library, Filwood Broadway, Bristol BS4 1JN The garden-city movement has had a significant impact on the development of Bristol as we know it. It aimed to create new neighbourhoods based on high-quality planning and housing design. This would transform the prospects for their residents by combining the best features of urban and rural life. BRHG member Steve Hunt will survey the influence of garden-suburb style planning upon Bristol’s spatial geography, from […]

Mary Frost, Wife, Mother, Chartist

By Sylvia Mason
I enjoyed this book as it is an easy read and Sylvia Mason painted a graphic picture of the times - Mary Frost's shop and home, the 1839 Chartist uprising in Newport, the family, the rallies and the spies. "Were any of the injured men bandaged and fed by the Frost women and helped to get home"? Initially I was a little irritated by the questions Sylvia Mason posed as there was no 'real' evidence, however, I soon appreciated it as a way of telling Mary's story which set the scene of the times as, […]

Nautical women – women sailors and the women of sailortowns

A forgotten diaspora c 1693-1902

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
Portishead Library, 24 Harbour Road, Portishead, BS20 7AL For more details and booking, see here. North Somerset Libraries are excited to host a series of talks by Bristol Radical History pamphleteers. Visit to find out more about their publications and events. The talks are informal and accessible and would appeal to adults and older teens. The library will be open and there will time to borrow books from our local history display, so bring your library card with you. If you […]

Bedminster Poor Law Union Workhouse

transparent fiddle Not In An Event Series
Pill Library and Children's Centre, Crockerne House, Underbanks, Pill BS20 0AT For more details and booking see here. North Somerset Libraries are excited to host a series of talks by Bristol Radical History pamphleteers. Visit to find out more about their publications and events. The talks are informal and accessible and would appeal to adults and older teens. Self-service kiosks will be on and there will time to borrow books from our local history display, so bring your library […]

Edward Colston – A century of protest

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
In June 2020, the statue of Edward Colston in central Bristol was removed from its plinth by Black Lives Matter protestors and rolled into the waters of the Harbourside. Some saw this as an isolated event – in fact it was the culmination of a century of protest against what was dubbed “the cult of Colston” in the city. Roger and Mark will be talking about the foundations of opposition to Colston as a trader of enslaved persons and his reinvention as a Victorian icon. They will explore the […]

The Rise and Fall of Edward Colston

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
Register for this online talk here. In November 2014 the Bishop of Bristol, preaching to school students, claimed that ‘speculation’ about the ‘business roots’ of the city’s philanthropic icon, Edward Colston, was merely ‘speculation’. These incendiary words inspired new historical research into Colston’s slave-trading activities and the origins of his role as a ‘City Father.’ They also led to the formation of the campaign group Countering Colston which challenged both the physical commemoration […]

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