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Every Cook Can Govern

transparent fiddle Every Cook Can Govern
Please note that the venue for Every Cook Can Govern has been changed from the GWRSA to the Stag And Hounds at the bottom of Old Market, next to the evening post building.

Remember the Spanish Brigaders

transparent fiddle Remember the Spanish Brigaders
The memorial to the four Bristol volunteers who joined the International Brigades to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War in Castle Park is to be surrounded by a vivid mosiac border in Republican colours and will be unveiled at 12 noon on 14th April - the anniversary of the day the Republic was declared in 1931. BRISTOL BRIGADERS William G. Boyce Jan. 20th 1938 Teruel William J. Burton Feb. 1937 Jarama Leslie Huson May 1938 Pneumonia, died in hospital. Terence Edward Stephens July 1938 Died in […]

In Contempt of All Authority

transparent fiddle In Contempt of All Authority
First published in 1980 this book has been re-published by a very (very, very) small publisher. It is well worth checking out. Buchanan Sharp In Contempt of All Authority Rural Artisans and Riot in the West of England, 1586-1660 Two of the most common types of popular disorders in late Tudor and early Stuart England were the food riots and the anti-enclosure riots in royal forests. Of particular interest are the forest riots known collectively as the Western Rising of 1626-1632, and the lesser […]

Election Special

transparent fiddle Election Special
The programme of events for the Bristol Radical History Group Election Special has been announced. In this series of events we will trace how we got the vote and try to find out whether there is a viable alternative to representational party democracy. Therefore, we will find out about Thomas Spence, The Chartist, The Reform Acts and the Suffragettes. Searching for democratic alternatives we will look at anarchism in the 19th Century, election by lottery in Athens and participatory democracy […]

International Women’s Day 2010

transparent fiddle International Women’s Day 2010
Bristol Radical History Group will be participating in the International Women's Day event on Saturday 6th March (10am-4pm) at the Council House, College Green, Bristol. The event is free. BRHG will be giving a short talk on the suffragette Theresa Garnett who attacked Winston Churchill on Temple Meads station 100 years ago last year (see ) So if you missed our recreation of the event last year, come and find out why Thersea attacked Churchill and what happened after this famous incident.

A Book Launch

transparent fiddle A Book Launch
The Long John Silver Trust are putting on a pirate do to celebrate the launch of Pirates and Privateers out of Bristol by Keith Griffith and Mark Steeds. There will be pirates, poets, the Matthew and music accompanied by refreshments and local ales. All this will be at the Boat House, Redcliffe Wharf on Saturday 20th February, 1-4pm.

A Few Dates

transparent fiddle A Few Dates
Bristol Radical History Group will be at Bristol Museum on Monday 15th February for the BBC's A History of the World project. This event will have several local groups displaying artefacts which are relevant to the history of Bristol. At 7pm on Sunday 14th February our friend Paul Tickell has his latest documentary shown on Channel 4. This is Episode 4 in the series The Bible: A History and is titled The Daughters of Eve.

Spring Events

transparent fiddle Spring Events
As well as the Morris Beckman event at The Cube on 1st March 2010 Bristol Radical History Group are planning a series of events for April around the theme of the inevitable General Election: Bristol Radical History Group Election Special The Struggle for Democracy in Britain Recent British histories arrogantly claimed that the ‘we’ brought democracy to the Empire and ultimately the world in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Despite centuries of struggle to wrestle power from an elite few, the vote in […]

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