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Quaker Pamphlet
Quaker Pamphlet
At last weekend's Bristol Anarchist Bookfair we launched the latest Bristol Radical Pamphleteer publication entitled The Peculiar History Of The Sect Known As The Quakers by Jim McNeill. Who were the Quakers? Why were they persecuted? Why did they stop being radical? How did some of Bristol’s Quakers become so rich? From James Naylor’s blasphemous ride down Corn Street to William Penn being given Pennsylvania and Abraham Darby laying the foundations of the Industrial Revolution. This is the […]
Anarchist Bookfair Trailer
Anarchist Bookfair Trailer
Radical History Zone
Radical History Zone
The details of this years Radical History Zone at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have finally been thrashed out and the details release to the world. This year we have 10 stalls, 5 talks, some poetry and a puppet show. To wet the appetite before the big day we have an extra event the day before the bookfair (Friday 6th May). Gabriel Kuhn will be giving a talk on his new book Soccer Vrs. The State at Easton Community Centre from 19:30. Also, don't forget that there is a KIPTIK film showing on […]
Commune Debate
Commune Debate present Free event, Wednesday 6th April 19.00-21.00 80 Stokes Croft, Hamilton House, 5th floor Meeting room* In mid-2010 a strike wave rolled through China's factories, the most widespread and militant expression of China's internal migrant workers so far. Their struggle shook the Chinese regime and provoked a world-wide debate about the end of the low-wage-model that stands behind China's rise to the "factory of the world" and provides Europe and other regions with cheap […]
Viva Mexico
Viva Mexico
As a precursor to the Anarchist Book Fair KIPTIK and the Bookfair Collective are having a film night. "Viva Mexico!" Award-winning documentary plus Q&A with film-maker Nicolas Defosse. Part of UK Zapatista Network tour. Wednesday 4th May 7.30pm Hamilton House, Stokes Croft (). Suggested donation £3/£2 but no-one turned away due to lack of funds, (more…)
The Road To Haymarket
The Road To Haymarket
The Road to Haymarket, May Day, and its Relevance Today Monday 2 May 2011 at 7.30pm for 8.00pm start Cube Microplex, Dove St South, Bristol BS2 8JD
£4/3/no one turned away through lack of funds On the 125th anniversary of the Haymarket Affair, and hot on the heels of the Bristol May Day Parade, Bristol Indymedia and the Anarchist Bookfair Collective presentan evening of films and discussion looking at the origins of International Workers Day and the relevance of labour movement struggles and […]
Boxing Plaque
Boxing Plaque
There will be an unveiling of a plaque designed by Mike Baker at The Hatchet Inn on Frogmore Street. The plaque will commemorate the pub being the centre of the Bristol bare knuckle boxing scene at the turn of the 19th Century. Former World Super Middleweight Champion Glenn Catley will do the honours on Saturday 26th March at 11am. Local artist Mike Baker has been responsible for making many commemorative plaques around Bristol including the BRHG plaque on The Seven Stars Pub.
The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2011
The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2011
Bristol Radical History Group will again be running the Radical History Zone at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 7th May 2011, 10:30am-6:30pm. The venue will once again be Hamilton House on Stokes Croft. The Bookfair Collective say:
It will happen at the end of a week that includes an outrageously expensive royal wedding, local elections and a referendum on the latest parliamentary elections voting scam. It will happen shortly after the budget cuts of the national LibDemCon government, […]
Regional History Centre Seminar Series
Regional History Centre Seminar Series
Regional History Centre Seminar Series 2011 Wednesday evenings; 5.30-7.00pm all seminars held in Room M9 (Main Building) unless otherwise stated Weds 26 Jan 2011 Stephen Hunt Anarchist and Libertarian groups in 19th/20th Century Bristol Weds 09 Feb 2011 Kath Thompson Bristol Library Society Weds 09 Mar 2011 Peter Leppard The Silver Tickets of the Proprietors of the Bristol Theatre 1764 to 1925