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Winstanley – Andrew Mollo & Kevin Brownlow, UK / 1975 / 95 mins / cert 1 Join us and the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Collective for this screening of a restored version of this important film from 1975. In the run up to the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair on 12 September, this film evokes some of the earliest examples of anarchist thought and practice. Indeed the occupations by the Diggers have been described by some as the first anarcho-communist revolution in history. The context of the film […]

Sir! No Sir!

Roger introduces the film Sir! No Sir! shown by Bristol Indymedia at the Cube Cinema Bristol. The talk discusses the ways in which the Vietnam War was resisted internally and the impact that has had since on warfare in general. link to the films website.Bristol Radical History Group: 2006 Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG) have organised a bewildering range of history events; staging walks, talks, gigs, reconstructions, films, exhibitions, trips through the archives and fireside story telling. […]

The Bristol Boys

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
As the perfect après fair, artist Mike Baker will present his ‘Bristol Boys’ plaque which was recently unveiled outside the Hatchet Inn. At the turn of the 19th Century the Hatchet was the bare knuckle boxing venue in Bristol an produced several renowned champions. Mike is the man behind the Easton Signs Tail and collaborated with BRHG on the Thomas Clarkson plaque on the Seven Stars pub in Thomas Lane, Redcliffe. So, after the rigors of another great Bristol Anarchist Bookfair come and join […]

Prof. Preston and George Orwell: The varieties of historical investigation and experience

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
A couple of years ago, at a gathering of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, Professor Paul Preston, describing George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, said: 'It is not a bad book but the trouble is, it is the only book many people read on the Spanish Civil War' or words to that effect. Pro. Preston suggested that 'Homage to Catalonia' was a book written about the Spanish War from the narrow perspective of someone who had only spent six or seven months involved in the conflict on a quiet […]

The Poetry of Heathcote Williams

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
Heathcote Williams is celebrated for many reasons; as writer, actor, painter, even conjurer. Heathcote’s foray into diplomacy came in 1977, when he became Ambassador to Great Britain for a London squat called Frestonia, which declared independence. His epic ecological poems such as Whale Nation and Autogeddon were loved by a readership far beyond the usual poetry-reading circles. He continues to paint, poetise and rant on matters topical and historical. This is an opportunity to hear Roy […]

Roots of Ecological Resistance – 20 Years of Earth First!

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
A puppet show and workshop celebrating 20 years of ecological activism: from the treetops of Newbury, to planting trees on the M11, to the tops of power station chimneys. Using a magically simple puppetry technique - like an animated zine - explore stories of past actions and have a go at creating your own. Watch this talk: If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing

Hands off our forest – saving the Forest of Dean

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
We have just seen a massive U turn by this government as a result of huge ground swell of public opinion against the proposed sell off of the Forestry Commission Estate. In the autumn of 2010, the campaign kicked off in the Forest of Dean with a huge public meeting in Cinderford which was attended by over 500 people and a rally in Speech House attended by 3000 people. Tory MP Mark Harper was invited to speak at both these events to present his case, but refused. A number of organisations have […]

The Sharpness Nuclear Waste Train Blockade

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
The story of a direct action by activists from Bristol, Bath and Stroud in 1980; told by one of those who took part with film footage taken during the action. The blockade is placed in the context of the successful campaign of direct action involving railway workers, seafarers and environmental NGOs that stopped nuclear waste dumping at sea. Watch this talk: If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing

Gustav Landauer and the German Revolution of 1918-19

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
Gustav Landauer (1870-1919) remains Germany's most influential anarchist. Gabriel Kuhn, editor and translator of the first comprehensive volume of Landauer texts in English, Revolution and Other Writings, will recall the philosophy and activism of a unique revolutionary who died at the hands of reactionary soldiers in May 1919. Watch this talk: If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing

A History of Free Festivals: From the Wallies to the Battle of the Beanfield

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Radical History Zone 2011 Poster
If you can remember them you just weren’t there. Now Wally Dean will help to fill in the gaps. Firm fixtures on the counter-cultural calendar since the 1960s, free festivals had their heyday between the first Glastonbury Festival in 1970 and the police ambush of the Stonehenge Festival convoy at the Battle of the Beanfield in 1985. However the spirit continued and was much revitalised by the early rave scene. Free festivals functioned as autonomous spaces in which to celebrate, resist and […]

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