A talk by Ian Bone - '1919 – year of revolution' - Maria Spiridonova, Jaroslav Hasek, Gabriel D’Annunzio, Percy Fisher, Simon Radowitzgy, Gustav Landauer, Max Holz. Listen to this talk: Download this talk (29 Mb mp3 file) Watch this talk:
Not In An Event Series
Includes a showing of the film Rebellion in Tottenham 2011 The August 'riots' were portrayed by the media and politicians as the actions of 'greedy feral youth' within a 'criminal underclass'. Most of these politically loaded explanations were presented before what had happened was even known. Using hard research and the voices of participants, this event will provide an analysis of the 'riots' of August, considering what (actually) happened, who was involved and how they did it. It will also […]
Not A BRHG Event
At Hooper House Cafe Part of Bristol Festival of Literature. Canon Tim Higgins, Bristol Radical History Group, Marvin Rees For more than 400 years, the Bible has been available to anyone who can read English. This legacy is all around us. The guests go head to head in this debate to see if it qualifies as a truly ‘radical’ text. Listen to this talk: Download this talk (47 Mb mp3 files)
A short "affixing ceremony" to fit a plaque to mark the grave of Thomas Beddoes. Present will be Mike Jay, author of The Atmosphere Of Heaven: The Unnatural Experiments of Dr Beddoes and His Sons of Genius and members of the Beddoes family. There will be gathering at the Rodney Hotel (4 Rodney Place, Clifton, off Clifton Down Road) at about 1.00pm. There will be a small display to put up in the bar and some of Mike Jay's books for sale. At 3.00pm there will be a stroll around Clifton with a few […]
Film: Despite The Sun The Wapping print dispute was one of the last large set-piece battles between the labour movement and the Thatcher regime and had ramifications that are still being felt today - in the working conditions of millions and in the way in which the mass media operates. On January 24, 1986, Rupert Murdoch's News International group with the support of the Thatcher government moved production of its four national newspapers to Wapping in London's Docklands. Over 5,000 production […]
'Straight edge' has persisted as a drug-free, hardcore punk subculture for 25 years. Its political legacy remains ambiguous and it is often associated with self-righteous macho posturing and conservative Puritanism. While certain elements of straight edge culture feed into such perception, the cultureʼs political history is far more complex. Since straight edgeʼs origins in Washington, D.C. in the early 1980s, it has been linked to radical thought and action by countless individuals, bands, and […]
An evening to launch the new Bristol Radical Pamphleteer title Cry Freedom, Cry Seven Stars by Mark Steeds. This is also a chance to drink beer in CAMRA's best pub in Bristol 2010 and celebrate its unique place in the history of the Abolition Movement. Including performances by the Red Notes Choir and Richard Burley. Since its formation in 2006, Bristol Radical History Group has come a long way with a staggering list of happenings and events under its belt, bringing radical history from Bristol […]
A talk focusing on grassroots organizations in NYC, L.A., Detroit, and New Orleans and the building of sustainable communities. We are very lucky to have one of the foremost historians of radical Black movements and cultures in the United States, Robin Kelley speaking in Bristol.
Bristol Radical History & Bristol Antifa join us for an astounding a talk by author Morris Beckman about the hidden history of how British Jewish ex-servicemen fought back against those trying to reconstitute fascist groups after WWII. The '43 Group' took it's name from the number of people at the founding meeting, one of whom was Morris Beckman (who had served on a Flower class corvette during the war). The movement grew to include many hundreds of men and women, including a 17-year-old […]