Here is a list of some things of interset that can be found on Google Books: The Bristol riots, their causes, progress, and consequences. By a citizen [J. Eagles.]. A first hand account of the 1831 uprising from a concerned and upset citizen (yes, you guessed it not one of the mob). Trial of Charles Pinney. The Lord Mayor of Bristol during the 1831 uprising gets put on trial for failing to deal with the great unwashed. An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade: In Two Parts. A seminal […]
News Feed
The News Feed is where all new content added to the website in all sections is listed chronologically. You can also access the RSS feed here, if you subscribe to it you can get automatic updates form our site. What is an RSS Feed?
History Our Weapon
Over 650 scanned pages of hard to find speeches, articles, pamphlets, etc about a range of resistance in US history. Here's a small sample: A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn (the whole goddamn thing) The War Prayer by Mark Twain Strike Against War by Helen Keller George Jackson: Black Revolutionary By Walter Rodney Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies by Bartoleme de Las Casas Eugene Debs' Statement to the Court Upon Being Convicted of Violating the Sedition Act […]
Practical History
UK-based communist group, producing and gathering together various texts documenting the history of class struggle, both in the UK and internationally.
Barton Hill History Group
The Barton Hill History Group was founded in 1983 After an inspirational local community exhibition at the Barton Hill Settlement, the Barton Hill History Group was formed in September 1983. The aim of learning about Barton Hill's past proved popular and, directed by an enthusiastic committee the Group steadily grew. Since then, through many displays, meetings, presentations, publications and exhibitions, the BHHG has matured into Bristol's most active, consistent and imaginative local history […]
Breviary Stuff Publications
Breviary Stuff Publications is concerned with ‘history from below’, the history of ordinary people and our perpetual struggles for some fairness and freedom from the oppression that we have been and are forced to endure in our daily lives. We are not concerned with the history of ‘great men‘, the wealthy, the powerful, the famous. We are interested in what ordinary people felt about the situations that they found themselves in, how their lives were shaped by them, how they reacted to them, the […]
Sparrows Nest Library & Archive
The Sparrows' Nest was established in 2008 by members of the Anarchist Federation’s Nottingham group with the involvement of other class struggle anarchists. It is a ‘Centre for Anarchist Culture and Education’, in a house, in St. Ann’s. The Library and Archive is our major project. We set it up to inform people about the ideology and history of Anarchism in its many forms, and about working class struggles in our region.Sparrows Nest Library & Archive.
Remembering Olive Collective
Do you remember Olive Morris? was a community art project seeking to bring to wider public attention the history of Brixton-based activist Olive Morris (1952-1979). In her short life, Olive Morris co-founded the Brixton Black Women’s Group and the Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent (OWAAD) and was part of the British Black Panther Movement. She campaigned for access to education, decent living conditions for Black communities and fought against state and police repression. […]
London Socialist Historians Group
Smuggler’s Britain
Richard Platt's excellent website has lost of information about smuggling in Britain and helped to inside the smuggler's events in Bristol Radical History Week 2007.
Radical History Network of North East London
The Radical History Network (RaHN) is a blog that operates as a forum for radical history groups to publish reviews, reports and articles on various aspects of radical history, and advertise meetings and act as a discussion forum for those interested in radical history. It is broadly libertarian socialist in outlook.