The Swansea Radical Community Festival is a new initiative that takes place in central Swansea on Saturday 15th October, starting at 11am.
The festival will include talks & workshops, stalls, films, a kids space, vegan food. From 7.30pm there will be an ‘After-Party’ with live music and DJ’s. All are welcome.
BRHG is delighted to be able to take along our book stall to the event. We will also be running a workshop, and look forwards to a day of discussions and debates.
The BRHG workshop will start at 2pm and last for 50 minutes. Here’s the details of that:
The Recent Politicisation Of The Riot Charge
Two incidents in 2021 saw a sudden and very unusual use of the charge of Riot against a very large number of defendants. The first in March related to a protest against the then new PCSC (Policing) Bill outside a city centre police station in Bristol; the second in May followed an evening of disturbances in Mayhill, Swansea.
Working with the Justice for Bristol Protesters (JBP), a campaign set up by some family and friends of some protesters imprisoned in Bristol, some BRHG members were asked to produce a briefing paper looking at the history of the Riot charge; it’s contemporary use; and why Bristol suddenly faced a huge number of Riot charges – why Bristol and why now? This workshop is based on that research.
The Swansea Radical Community Festival takes place at Elysium Gallery & Bar, 210 High Street, Swansea SA1 1PE. The Fesival’s bi-lingual website includes useful info, and the full programme with workshop & film descriptions.
We’re looking forwards to meeting people on the day!