7.00pm, Tuesday 22nd November, Filwood Library, Filwood Broadway, Bristol BS4 1JN
The garden-city movement has had a significant impact on the development of Bristol as we know it. It aimed to create new neighbourhoods based on high-quality planning and housing design. This would transform the prospects for their residents by combining the best features of urban and rural life. BRHG member Steve Hunt will survey the influence of garden-suburb style planning upon Bristol’s spatial geography, from the beginning of the Twentieth century to the immediate post-War period. Municipal estates form a belt of homes around the parameter of the city, with the largest concentration of council housing in South Bristol, following the 1930’s development of Knowle West, outer Bedminster, and Bedminster Down. The inter-War council housing programme has left a mixed legacy. This talk will celebrate the aspirations of garden-city principles, and consider the outcomes and implications for the future in Bristol.
Steve will also share some early glimpses of a current research project on Bristol’s public baths and swimming pools. This is directly related, since community amenities were a feature of the garden-city ideal, being core to its programme to create more self-contained settlements. Swimming pools are an example of the kind of facilities that would help to build a sense of community and enhance the quality of life for local people. Several excellent examples feature in the history of the South Bristol area. Today they have either disappeared without trace or are struggling to continue – the surviving pools must be defended!
Steve would like to hear about your memories and experiences too!