Meet at Bristol Temple Meads station forecourt.
Well over 50 people turned up when we put on this walk in July. It was so popular we’re doing it again. So if you enjoyed it so much last time you want to do it again, or you’ve been kicking yourself because you missed it, come along on 2nd October. The walk takes about two hours. It’s mainly on the flat with one short incline. It will finish at Hydra Bookshop in Old Market where tea & coffee will be available as well as several books/pamphlets about World War 1, including the pamphlet mentioned below. There will be a collection towards expenses at the end.

On 1st November 1916, Alfred Jefferies was shot at dawn on the Western Front for desertion. Join this two-hour walk through St Philips and The Dings where Jefferies and his family lived and worked, including his brother Arthur who was killed on the Somme. Learn about smoke, gas, strikes, metal and slums – the forgotten industries, back streets, schools and social history of Bristol in the early 1900s.
For more about Alfred Jefferies see The Bristol Deserter a pamphlet published by Bristol Radical History Group – details and how to order here.
For more information email or phone 0117 9243890