From The Ford Workers’ Group to ‘Made In Dagenham’

Event Details
Date: , 2010
Venue: The Hatchet,
Price: Donation
With: Carlos Guarita, Brian Ashton
Series: The 1970s - Life Before Thatcher
Page Details
Section: Events
Subjects: Modern History (Post World War II), Workers Organisations & Strikes
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Ford plants in the 1970s were epicentres of worker militancy as recently depicted in the film Made In Dagenham. Carlos was a founder member of the Ford Dagenham Workers’ Group and Brian worked at the Halewood plant from 1970 till late ‘77. They will discuss the reality of life in the Ford Company, the hidden history of the equal pay disputes and the changes that have taken place since that era.

Carlos (Charlie) Guarita worked at the Ford Dagenham Engine Plant from 1976 till early 1980. He was a founder member of the Ford Dagenham Workers’ Group which later became part of the Ford (UK) Workers’ Combine and which was probably the first autonomous rank and file organization to exist within a transnational company in the U.K. He will also talk about the ‘reality’ depicted in the Made in Dagenham film.

Brian Ashton worked at the Ford Halewood plant from 1970 till late 77. He was a shop steward for three years in the assembly plant. He will talk about that period and also the changes that have taken place in the intervening years at Halewood. He will use the analytical tool of class composition to try and explain Halewood past and present.

Includes the film ‘A Woman’s Work’: The story of the Ford sewing machinists.

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