Miscellaneous 2018



miscellaneous 2018 poster

Miscellaneous events for 2018.

For a full list of Event Series see the Event Series Archive Page.

Date Time Title With
A Conscientious Concert: The music of Frank Merrick, World War 1 Conscientious Objector
Film: Tony Benn’s Defining Moments: Introduced by the programme's producer David Parker
Lady Blackshirts: Suffragettes who became fascists Trish Mensah
Hidden Voices: Black and Asian Women and the Suffrage Movements in Britain and America Silu Pascoe
The ‘Goddess’ and the ‘Leader’ in Prehistory? Dr Lucy Goodison
Film Showing: Spiridonova – Armed Love Ian Bone
Otherstory puppet show: On the Run Otherstory
Who Refused To Kill?: WW1 Conscientious objectors research workshop
Refusing to Kill – Bristol’s WW1 Conscientious Objectors Lois Bibbings
Outcasts, Cowards and Quakers – Re-examining the Conscientious Objectors of the First World War Lois Bibbings
Swords Into Ploughshares, Arms To Renewables Hilary Wainwright
Film Showing: Make More Noise: The suffragettes in struggle Dawn Dyer
Refusing To Kill: Walter Ayles and Harry Patch Colin Thomas,
Lois Bibbings
Otherstory puppet show: ‘Taking a holiday’ and research workshop Lois Bibbings,
‘The Lion of the Occasion’: Frederick Douglass in Bristol Laurence Fenton
Radical History: Smuggling and Poaching in Dorset: At Bridport Museum, 25 South Street, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3NR
Film Screening – Greece: The Hidden War: Part One – The Battle for Athens Jane Gabriel,
Theo Papadopoulos

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