Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience



Details have been announced of the programme of talks, films, performance, exhibitions taking place as part of the Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience Festival. The main festival weekend is on Saturday & Sunday 27th & 28th April but some exhibitions are on at venues across the city for a longer period and there are some linked events taking place before and after the weekend.

Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience is a national festival which looks at hidden or lesser known stories of the First World War, legacies of the conflict, peace-building and alternatives to officially sponsored commemoration. Topics considered include: the Shot at Dawn campaign; conscientious objection to military service; strikes; mutinies, desertion and absenteeism; colonial experiences and impacts; women’s peace activism; treatment of veterans; a century of opposition to war; alienation from commemoration.

At Bristol’s M Shed museum, this free weekend festival (27th-28th April) will bring together community groups, local historians, academics, campaigners, activists and performers from across the country. The festival includes exhibitions, performances, talks, films, music, community projects, history walks and a puppet show.

Highlights include Cyril Pearce, one of the foremost researchers into WW1 conscientious objectors, Janet Booth who has campaigned to clear the name of her grandfather who was shot for desertion, Piet Chielens of the ‘In Flanders Field‘ museum and many others. On the evening of 27th April at the SouthBank Club, Paul McGann will be in conversation about his appearance in the classic BBC TV series ‘The Monocled Mutineer‘.

The festival is being organised in Bristol with the help of the Remembering the Real World War One history group.

All the events will be listed below but keep an eye out as more are being added every day.

M Shed Rooms: Studios 1 & 2 are on the 1st Floor, Rooms 1-3 are in the Events Suite on the 2nd Floor.

Evening events on Saturday 27th are at the Southbank Club, Dean Lane, BS3 1DB.

You can follow the festival on Facebook here and on Twitter here

For more information email

Exhibitions (drag left/right):

Thursday 18th April (drag left/right):

Sunday 21st April (drag left/right):

Tuesday 23rd April (drag left/right):

Saturday 27 April @MShed (drag left/right):

Date Time Title With Location
Making It Home: Film and photographic exhibition Mark Rhead Studio 2
Conscientious Objector Stories From Around England 1: Burton on Trent, Oxford and Herefordshire Karen Hunt,
Elinor Kelly,
Sue Smith
Studio 1
Internment and internee stories from England and Germany: Three talks on internment in Yorkshire, North East England and Berlin Sonia Grant,
Silvie Fisch,
Claudia Sternberg
Room 1
Art and War: Resistance and Recovery Jude Hutchen,
Al Johnson,
Ian Rudge
Room 2
Shot at Dawn Campaign: The campaign to get pardons for the men executed for military offences in World War 1 Janet Booth,
Piet Chielens,
Andy De Comyn,
Julian Putkowski,
Tony T,
David Baines,
Gerry Hunwick
Room 3
Opposition to Conscription in Wales and Ireland Aled Eirug,
Joe Mooney
Studio 1
War School: Film with Q&A Mic Dixon,
Aly Renwick
Paying for Peace or Paying for War?: With 'Conscience - Taxes for Peace not War' Robin Brookes,
Diana Warner,
Lois Bibbings
Room 1
England Arise! A Drama: The story of a political conscientious objector Cyril Pearce,
Mick Martin
Room 1
Bristol Radical History Group Book Launch Lois Bibbings,
Jeremy Clarke,
June Hannam
Studio 1
A Hundred Years Of Opposition To War Lindsey German,
Daniel Blaney
Room 2
WW1’s Hidden Voices: The Role of India, East Africa, Nigeria and the West Indies Kooj Chuhan,
Dipali Das,
Ruth Tait
Room 3
Mutiny: Film with Q&A Julian Putkowski,
Tony T
Studio 2
Researching Conscientious Objectors: ‘Joining up the dots’ between CO projects across the UK Cyril Pearce,
Valerie Flessati
Studio 1
Treatment of War Veterans: Then and Now: Two speakers address the treatment of veterans' physical and mental needs Louise Bell,
Aly Renwick
Room 2
Commemorating War 1: In Britain and Ireland Andy De Comyn,
Mary Muldowney
Room 1
Women Campaigning for Peace in World War 1: Two short films with Q&A Alison Ronan Studio 2

Sunday 28th April @MShed (drag left/right):

Date Time Title With Location
‘Emmerdale’s Conscientious Objector’ Cyril Pearce Studio 2
A history walk with puppets: Steps Against War  : Discovering untold stories of Bedminster people in the First World War Otherstory
Film Premier – ‘The Singapore Mutiny’ Tony T Studio 2
Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness Conscientious Objectors Andrew Bolton,
Gary Perkins
Studio 1
The campaign to clear Alice Wheeldon’s name: A family of resisters during the First World War - why does the story matter? Chloe Mason,
Cyril Pearce
Room 1
Women and Opposition To War – 1 Ingrid Sharp,
Alison Ronan
Room 2
Commemoration Panel 2 Piet Chielens,
Symon Hill,
Lee-Anne Broadhead,
Sean Howard
Room 3
Women and Opposition To War – 2 Eve Haskins,
Lucienne Boyce
Room 2
Conscientious Objector Stories From Around England 2: Kent, Mid-Staffs, Forest of Dean Catharina Clement,
Gerry Barton,
John Babb,
Ian Wright
Studio 1
Film showing – ‘Watford’s Quiet Heroes’ Simon Colbeck Studio 2
Commemoration Through Drama John Bassett,
Peter Nias
Room 1
Student Voices After The Great War: Commemorating Conflict, Building Peace Daniel Laqua,
Georgina Brewis,
Sarah Hellawell,
Judith Murphy
Room 3
Film showing – ‘The Last Clarion House’ Alison Ronan Studio 2
Conscience Panel Lois Bibbings,
Martin Crick,
Cyril Pearce
Event Suite
Closing speech by Bruce Kent (CND) Bruce Kent Event Suite

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