Silu is a retired social worker with a lifelong interest in history. When she was at school, (a long time ago!), there was no ‘Black ‘ history. Black people from the past were talked about in her home but not by by her teachers. In recent years, her family history research has also shown how local, national and international history is intertwined within her own family.
Silu Pascoe is a member of Bristol Radical History Group and as an independent researcher, she has studied some major historical events and found hidden or overlooked histories of black people within them. The responses of members of the ‘Windrush Generation’ in facing racism in housing is of a particular interest of hers.
Appeared at:
- Partners in crime
- ‘No Coloureds, No Irish, No Dogs’
- The Bristol Bus Boycott : Race, Unions and Civil Rights
- History walk – ‘Canting Humbugs’: Resistance and reaction in Bristol during World War One
- Hidden Voices: Black and Asian Women and the Suffrage Movements in Britain and America
- Studio 1: Black Lives in A White Man’s War
BRHG Publications:
Blog Posts: