Easton Cowboy and West Ham United fan. He has bored his fellow Cowboys with rants about history for years, the formation of Bristol Radical History Group has made their lives a lot easier. Now an undisputed heavy weight in the history of riots from the 17th Century to the present day.
Appeared at:
- ‘Working for your dole’
- Trouble at the White City
- Beating the Blackshirts: Militant anti-fascism in south Bristol in the 1930s
- Solidarity across the Severn
- 5th Dorset Radical Bookfair
- Turning local history into theatre
- ‘We build them up and we pull them down’: Sarah Lundberg Summer School – Dublin
- The 1831 reform riots in the southwest – display
- Eastville Workhouse, the mentally ill and systemic murder mysteries
- Pauper burials in Greenbank Cemetery – new research
- The 1831 Bristol reform riot – a view from the southbank
- The rise and fall of Edward Colston – the real story
- Trouble at the White City – strikes in the British armed forces in 1919
- ‘William Morris’ returns and Alfred Stevens discovered
- The Rise and Fall of Edward Colston
- Edward Colston – A century of protest
- The Rise and Fall of Edward Colston
- ‘Fife, Drum and Flag’: The Sherborne ‘reform riots’ of October 1831
- Nicotiana Brittanica – tobacco and forced labour
- Class war in 1892: Bristol dockers and Black Friday
- Book Launch: From Wulfstan to Colston
- History Walk: Edward Colston – why was he toppled?
- History Walk: Severing the sinews of slavery in Bristol
- Bristol Festival of Literature: Colston, Fact And Fiction
- Set the people free – post-war opposition to ID cards
- The REAL Black Friday
- Strikes and riots
- Burning Bristol: the 1831 ‘reform riot’
- ‘Buried like Dogs?’
- History Walk: Riots, Massacres and Reform 1700s-1832
- Life and death in two Bristol Victorian workhouses
- How did World War One end?
- History walk – ‘Canting Humbugs’: Resistance and reaction in Bristol during World War One
- Studio 2: Strikes, equal pay and workers’ control: the workplace in ’68
- How to stop a war: The German servicemen’s revolt of 1918
- History Walk: Edward Colston
- Studio 2: Bristol Radical History Group highlights
- Life and death in two Bristol Victorian workhouses
- A ‘night of infamy’: Black Friday, 1892
- 100 Fishponds Road
- The Captain Swing Riots
- Bristol May Day
- James Acland and The Bristolian
- Book Launch
- Pauper deaths and burials in Victorian England
- Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies and Reds + The Berkeley Poachers’
- Hidden Histories OF WWI
- Bread Or Batons?
- WWI Resistance
- Tolpuddle And Captain Swing: Hidden History?
- Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power
- British armed forces’ strikes and mutinies in 1918-19
- The Haymarket, Chicago and Mayday
- Old Market March and Police Riot – 80th Anniversary
- The “August Riots” of 2011 in the UK
- The August Riots
- Sir! No Sir!
- The Anti-Vietnam War Movement
- How Protest And Riot Won Working Men The Vote
- Bristol Radical History Walk
- Why History Matters… Why Radical History Matters More… Part 1
- Radical History Walk
- Bridport
- Bristol Anarchist Bookfair
- The Battle For Bristol
- Smugglers 1: Custom Becomes Crime
BRHG Publications:
- From Wulfstan to Colston
- 100 Fishponds Rd.
- Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds
- The Origins and an Account of Black Friday – 23rd December 1892
- Bread Or Batons?
- Tolpuddle And Swing
- Riot charges…why Bristol and Swansea?… and why now?
- The role of Museums in constructing our understanding of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
- New pauper burial research at Greenbank cemetery
- The last piece of the jigsaw
- The Edward Colston ‘corrective’ plaque
- Lest we forget – A Life of Pleasure?
- Myths within myths…
- Joshua Fitch and Colston’s Girls’ School
- Edward Colston Research Paper #2
- Edward Colston Research Paper #1
- The Christmas Truce(s)
- Should Britain Go to War With Germany?
- Tolpuddle, Hutt and the Meerut ‘Conspiracy’
- The guillotine, knitting and terror…
- Some Hidden Histories of the British State Revealed in 2013
- Kenya, at last?
- Balls to War
- Getting ‘Jerusalem’ Wrong
- Bread or Batons?: The Old Market ‘riots’
- From Peterloo to Captain Swing
- Tolpuddle and Swing: The Flea and the Elephant
- Subversion of the US Armed Forces in the Vietnam War (1961-73)
- Branscombe Bay and the Sea Commons
- Some Thoughts And Observations On Bristol Radical History Group’s Summer Party
- James Nayler’s Ride into Bristol : October 1656
- 1831 And All That …
Blog Posts: