Hilary Wainwright

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Hilary Wainwright is a Fellow of the Transnational Institute – a fellowship of critical scholars based in Amsterdam. She is a founding editor and now co-editor of the radical socialist feminist and green magazine, Red Pepper. She has written numerous books on participatory democracy, and the relationship between state, political parties and social movements, the latest of which came out in 2018: A New Politics from the Left with Polity Press.  She was active in the women’s movement in the 1970’s and 1980’s and remains a committed socialist feminist. She recently joined the Labour Party and is active in Momentum Hackney. She helped to form the Popular Planning Unit of the Greater London Council, (which was abolished by Margaret Thatcher in 1986). Hilary has written about trade union initiatives for both socially useful production – rather than the production of weapons; and for the democratisation of public services as an alternative to privatisation.

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