Born and brought up in Wales, and once a member of the former Bristol Broadsides publishing group, Colin Thomas is now a Bristol Radical History Group regular. He is a documentary maker and author whose titles include:
Border Crossing – the Journey of Raymond Williams (2006).
Dreaming a City: From Wales to Ukraine (2009) which tells to the story of John Hughes, an ironmaster from Merthyr Tyfil who founded the industrial centre that is in the present-day the sadly war-ravaged city of Donetsk (formerly called Hughesovka).
The Dragon and the Eagle, an enhanced ebook on Welsh migration to America narrated by Cerys Matthews.
Award-winning producer, director and scriptwriter of TV documentaries covering the First World War, Spanish Civil War and the 1926 General Strike for the BBC.
Appeared at:
- Film screening: Cyrchfan Cyfiawnder – Newport Rising
- BRHG Mayday event: When Bristol Fought Back
- Putting History on Television
- 1873-2023: 150 years of struggle
- 100 Years of Struggle
- Putting Welsh history on TV
- Facing up to the Fascists
- Exhibition: Facing up to the Fascists
- Chasing Daydreams
- Webinar – Pamphlet Launch – State Snooping: Spooks, Cops and Double Agents
- Antifa Benefit and BRHG Pamphlet Launch: Facing up to the Fascists
- The Red Violinist
- Slaughter No Remedy, Harry Patch, Walter Ayles and the First World War
- History walk – ‘Canting Humbugs’: Resistance and reaction in Bristol during World War One
- Refusing To Kill: Walter Ayles and Harry Patch
- Battling for Bristol
- Slaughter No Remedy
- Slaughter No Remedy
- Bristol – Opposition to the First World War
- Deserters, Conchies and Reds
- Ukrainian Nationalism – a historical perspective
- WWI Resistance
- Regicide And The English Revolution
- No Retreat
BRHG Publications:
- 150 Years of Struggle
- Indoctrinating for Empire
- De-Convicted
- State Snooping
- Facing up to the Fascists
- Refusing to Kill
- Slaughter No Remedy
Blog Posts: