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Gloucester Local History Day

transparent fiddle Gloucester Local History Day
Saturday 2nd October 2pm-5pm Sir Thomas Richs School Longlevens A fair days wage for a fair days work- workers movements in Gloucestershire Talks include: Work wages and protest in Gloucestershire 1738-1830 by Prof Adrian Randall Swing riots in Gloucestershire Chartists and the Chartist Land Company in Glocestershire by Rev John Evans Cost £5 including tea& biscuits

Looming Events

transparent fiddle Looming Events
As well as the Radical History Zone at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair we have two other events planned: Cry Freedom, Cry Seven Stars - An evening to launch the new Bristol Radical Pamphleteer title Cry Freedom, Cry Seven Stars by Mark Steeds. Including a performance by the Red Notes Choir. This is on Tuesday 7th September. The Atmosphere of Heaven - A Nitrous Oxide fuelled history walk with Mike Jay through Clifton exploring the themes of his new book; Dr Beddoes, the Romantic Poets and laughing […]

Stokes Croft Museum

transparent fiddle Stokes Croft Museum
Date: Friday 13th August 2010 Time: 7-10PM Venue: 81 - 83 STOKES CROFT Drinks: P.R.S.C. 37 JAMAICA ST. On the 13th of August 2010, the diversity of life in Stokes Croft will snap into focus with the opening of Stokes Croft Museum: A small independent space opposite Hamilton House on Stokes Croft. Conceived and created by Katy Bauer. Informed and constructed in partnership with The People's Republic of Stokes Croft. The project aims to shift the reverence automatically afforded museum […]

Radical History Zone

transparent fiddle Radical History Zone
At this years Bristol Anarchist Bookfair BRHG will be running the Radical History Zone. As well as a selection of book stalls from history groups and local publishers there we will also be hosting a series of talks. Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is on Saturday 11th September 2010 at Hamilton House on 80 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3QY. Click here for the full Radical History Zone line-up.

More David Goldblatt

transparent fiddle More David Goldblatt
To celebrated the arrival in Bristol of Los Autonomos, an anarchist Brasilian football team, on Monday 2nd August 2010 the Easton Cowboys & Cowgirls will be hosting a discussion featuring David Goldblatt. Topics will include the world cup just passed, the next world cup to be held in Brasil and international fan culture. There will also be cheap Brasilian food and cocktails. From 7:30pm at the Stag and Hound at the bottom of Old Market.

Coelford Festival Of Words

transparent fiddle Coelford Festival Of Words
Was Warren James Right To Protest? Friday 13th August, 7pm, Coleford Baptist Church. £3 In 1831 Warren James led 3000 Foresters to tear down the enclosures that prevented their livelihood.... In 2010 300 people gathered at Hopewell Colliery at an event to remember Warren James and this history... A talk by Simon Sandall historian, lecturer and author. The free-miners of Dean and the defence of Forest custom during the seventeenth century ‘I want to say a few words about the history of protest in […]

Bristol Anarachist Bookfair

transparent fiddle Bristol Anarachist Bookfair
Radical History Zone at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Bristol Radical History Group will be hosting the 'Radical History Zone' at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair on Saturday 11th September 2010 at Hamilton House, Stokes Croft. Over the last two years the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair has grown to be one of the largest radical gatherings in the city. This year it is expected that around 1000 people will attend the event. As part of the recent interest in radical, social and working class history, […]

Tolpuddle Talks

transparent fiddle Tolpuddle Talks
Next weekend (16th-18th July) Bristol Radical History Group will be at Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival and will present a series of short punchy talks about booze. How much of a metaphour the word 'punchy' turns out to be rathe rdepends on how much we have had to drink. This list of talks is thus: Short history of brewing in Britain Pre-enclosure home brew demo Beer shops, Captain Swing and the Hanging at Kenn Cider Riots Sugar, Tobacco, Capitalism and Conservative Clubs ‘From the Pledge to Straight […]

Election Special Video

transparent fiddle Election Special Video
The videos of the following videos from the BRHG Election Special are now available: The Chartists And Their Legacy Thomas Spence The Forgotten Revolutionary Every Cook Can Govern

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