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Swing Walk By John Owen Smith

transparent fiddle Swing Walk By John Owen Smith
The Anniversary Rioters' Walk­ Exactly 180 years after the rioters did it a guided walk from Selborne to Headley and back again ­ distance approximately 7 miles out and 7 miles back. Tuesday 23rd November 2010 starting at 10am We plan to walk from Selborne to Headley, from the car park behind the Selborne Arms and finishing at the Holly Bush in Headley. Distance approx 7 miles, some of them muddy. Should arrive in time for a pub lunch. Please contact me […]

Sex and Docks and Rock and Roll

transparent fiddle Sex and Docks and Rock and Roll
£10; £9 conc; £8 BAC & TUC members A musical comedy Written by Chumbawamba’s Boff Whalley Directed by Rod Dixon Set in 1960’s Liverpool during a dockworkers and seafarers strike the play looks and laughs at this changing world through the microcosm of one terraced house where the TV does battle with the upright piano. Against a backdrop of picketing, marches and jailings, the McDermotts fight, laugh, lie and sing their way through these challenging times fuelled by home-brewed banana beer […]

LGBT History of Bristol

transparent fiddle LGBT History of Bristol
I'm a historian and part of a group called LGBT History of Bristol. I have developed a walk covering sites of lesbian, gay and transgender history around the centre of Bristol, and I'm planning to run the walk for the third time) on Sunday February 27 2011, as part of LGBT History month.The walk last between 1.5 and 2 hours, and covers many of stories and periods, from the 18th century onwards, including male and female protagonists, some suffragette history and Bristol's role at a remarkably […]

West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network

transparent fiddle West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network
University of the West of England, St Matthias Campus, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2JP, Room M030 Saturday Dec 4th 2010 A study day open to all members of the network and anyone interested in women's or gender history Whose history? Women’s political activism in the 20th century. Speakers: June Hannam (UWE), Writing women into Labour Party history : post-war autobiographical writings of women activists Elaine Titcombe (UWE), Rewriting Greenham’s History: women activists and the cold war […]

Hands Off Our Forest

transparent fiddle Hands Off Our Forest
FORESTERS have sprung into action in united opposition to what they believe will be a sell-off of public forests in England, including parts of the Dean. Action got underway following the government’s announcement last Friday (October 29) that it is committed to: “Fundamentally reform the public forestry estate, with diminishing public ownership and a greater role for private and civil society partners.” Political leaders in the Forest unanimously welcomed the announcement. Forest MP, Mark […]

Skimmity Hitchers Gig

transparent fiddle Skimmity Hitchers Gig
Skimmity Hitchers (AKA Quiffey’s new band) Day: Tuesday 9th November Time: 8:30ish Venue: The Seven Stars, Thomas Lane, BS1 6JG Cost: Your soul There was a time when the naughty little Quiffey boy was in a band called Who’s A’feared. Well they are no more but the quiff would not lie flat and so a new band the Skimmity Hitchers have been formed to continue the Dorset toss. Or as the Quiffmiester himself puts it: Back at last to one of Bristol’s finest and most historical boozers, we hope to […]

The 1970s – New Events Announced

transparent fiddle The 1970s – New Events Announced
The programme of events for Bristol Radical History Group's The 1970s - Life Before Thatcher has been released. From Dagenham to Grunwick, Glam to Punk and Wilson to Thatcher. Talks, films and music, 13 free events between Sunday 14th November and Tuesday 7th December 2010. "Make Them Grovel": The 1976 West Indies Cricket Tour From The Ford Workers’ Group to Made In Dagenham The Asian Youth Movement Grunwick: The End Of An Era? Spies, Lies And The Coup: State Repression In The 70s Cry Freedom […]

Sober Living For The Revolution

transparent fiddle Sober Living For The Revolution
Date: Tuesday 26th October Venue: The Hatchet (upstairs), 27 Frogmore St. BS1 5NA Time: 7:30pm Price: Free/Donation Speakers: Gabriel Kuhn. 'Straight edge' has persisted as a drug-free, hardcore punk subculture for 25 years. Its political legacy remains ambiguous and it is often associated with self-righteous macho posturing and conservative Puritanism. While certain elements of straight edge culture feed into such perception, the cultureʼs political history is far more complex. Since straight […]

Smaller Videos

transparent fiddle Smaller Videos
I have made most of the videos from the BRHG Election Special smaller so that if you had trouble watching them before you should have better luck now. Videos from the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will follow after some time.

Wiltshire History Day

transparent fiddle Wiltshire History Day
Organised by White Horse Trades Union Council on 6th November 2010 at St. Margaret's Hall Bradford-on-Avon from 10am. Talk subjects include Chartists and Swing rebellions in Wiltshire as well as strikes in Swindon. You can find more details about this event on Socialist Unity where you can read blogger Andy Newman's assertion that BRHG take "a fundamentally anti-working class and anti-trade union approach" (comment 27). He goes on to say: "there is a smart alec, middle class, know-all-ism about […]

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