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February is LGBT History Month

transparent fiddle February is LGBT History Month
February is LGBT History Month Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month takes place every year in February. It celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community. A programme of events has been compiled by OutStories Bristol, Bristol Lesbian & Gay Switchboard, CycleOut Bristol, M-Shed, Gay West and Hydra Books. The events at Hydra Books are : Changing images of trans people in speculative literature – Cheryl Morgan Thursday 2 February – 7:00 pm The availability of magic and advanced […]

The Shrewsbury 24 Campaign

transparent fiddle The Shrewsbury 24 Campaign
This year marks the 40th anniversary since the national builders strike in 1972. Five months after the strike had ended 24 pickets who had visited building sites in Shrewsbury were arrested and charged with over 242 offences between them. They included unlawful assembly, affray, intimidation, criminal damage and assault. Six of the pickets were received custodial sentences. Des Warren, Eric (Ricky) Tomlinson and John McKinsie Jones were sentenced to three years, two years and nine months of […]

From the Great Plague to the Plague of Women: Purity, Misogyny and Female Enclosure

transparent fiddle From the Great Plague to the Plague of Women: Purity, Misogyny and Female Enclosure
Steve Higginson will interpret the re-birth of misogyny by looking at the period of the Great Plague, 1345 onwards, and the great moralising discourse that swept across Europe post plaque. Located within this discourse of purity, women were viewed as both cause and effect of the plague, and were to be "enclosed" accordingly within the domestic sphere. The purity campaign against women was attributable to a re-reading of the Old Testament plus a resurgance of interest in Aristotlian ethics. Steve […]

Hydra Videos

transparent fiddle Hydra Videos
The video below is of the talk that Ian Bone gave a opening of Hydra Books on 26th November. Below that is a video of the talk by Steve Higginson from the following day.

Two Recent Articles

transparent fiddle Two Recent Articles
Two articles have been recently added to the archive: Forest Riots And Are You Wearing That T-Shirt - Ian Wright (Sept 2011) - News from The Forest (pdf). Why have you come to Mourmansk? - G. Tchitcherineand and N. Lenin (October 2011) - A poster handed out to British troops how had been landed at Mourmansk towards the end of WWI.

The Newport Chartist Convention 2011

transparent fiddle The Newport Chartist Convention 2011
Saturday 5 November - 11.00am startSt. Mary’s Institute, Stow Hill, NP20 1JJ A Newport surgeon (Roger Morgan, re-enactor) will report on the injuries sustained in Newport on the morning of November 4th, 1839 and demonstrate how the wounded were treated. And there will be ‘time travelling’ lecturers with ‘magic lantern slides’: Karin Molson, on behalf of Shire Hall ‘Campaign’ Project, will show DVDs made with young people involved in ’active citizenshi’ that has been inspired by the Chartist […]

Radical History Zone

transparent fiddle Radical History Zone
The details of this years Radical History Zone at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have finally been thrashed out and the details release to the world. This year we have 10 stalls, 5 talks, some poetry and a puppet show. To wet the appetite before the big day we have an extra event the day before the bookfair (Friday 6th May). Gabriel Kuhn will be giving a talk on his new book Soccer Vrs. The State at Easton Community Centre from 19:30. Also, don't forget that there is a KIPTIK film showing on […]

Commune Debate

transparent fiddle Commune Debate present Free event, Wednesday 6th April 19.00-21.00 80 Stokes Croft, Hamilton House, 5th floor Meeting room* In mid-2010 a strike wave rolled through China's factories, the most widespread and militant expression of China's internal migrant workers so far. Their struggle shook the Chinese regime and provoked a world-wide debate about the end of the low-wage-model that stands behind China's rise to the "factory of the world" and provides Europe and other regions with cheap […]

Viva Mexico

transparent fiddle Viva Mexico
As a precursor to the Anarchist Book Fair KIPTIK and the Bookfair Collective are having a film night. "Viva Mexico!" Award-winning documentary plus Q&A with film-maker Nicolas Defosse. Part of UK Zapatista Network tour. Wednesday 4th May 7.30pm Hamilton House, Stokes Croft (). Suggested donation £3/£2 but no-one turned away due to lack of funds, (more…)

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