Subject Index: Uncategorized


The content on this site is put into subject categories. These pages list content filed under each subject. You can also use the Tag Index to see a full list of keywords used on the site.


Mute is an online magazine dedicated to exploring culture and politics after the net. Mute combines biannual issues dedicated to specific topics (Precarious Labour, The Knowledge Commons, etc) with regularly updated articles and reviews. The site also features ongoing coverage of relevant news and events contributed by ourselves and our readers. As well as the online magazine, Mute also publishes a biannual magazine in print (aka Mute Vol. 3), which features selections from current issues […]


Pluto Press has a proud history of publishing the very best in progressive, critical thinking across politics and the social sciences. We are an independent company based in London, with a sales and marketing office in the U.S. and distribution rights throughout the world.


Autonomedia is an autonomous zone for arts radicals in both old and new media. We publish books on radical media, politics and the arts that seek to transcend party lines, bottom lines and straight lines. We also maintain the Interactivist Info Exchange, an online forum for discourse and debate on themes relevant to the books we publish.

Google Books

Here is a list of some things of interset that can be found on Google Books: The Bristol riots, their causes, progress, and consequences. By a citizen [J. Eagles.]. A first hand account of the 1831 uprising from a concerned and upset citizen (yes, you guessed it not one of the mob). Trial of Charles Pinney. The Lord Mayor of Bristol during the 1831 uprising gets put on trial for failing to deal with the great unwashed. An Essay on the Impolicy of the African Slave Trade: In Two Parts. A seminal […]

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