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The Plaque Unveiled

transparent fiddle The Plaque Unveiled
The Thomas Clarkson Plaque was unveiled on the Seven Stars pub yesterday in front of a crowed of about 70 people. After a few short speeches Richard Hart cut the string and the curtains fell away to reveal the plaque in all its glory. If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing There is a small story about the plaque on the BBC website and one on thisisbristol. Richard Hart unveiling the plaque. The Thomas Clarkson plaque on the Seven Stars […]

Hanna The Big Prize Winner

transparent fiddle Hanna The Big Prize Winner
Thank you to everybody who helped with the prize draw and thanks to Who's A'feard and Matt Owen for performing at the prize draw evening. Don't forget that the plaque is being unveiled on Friday 1st May. Here is a photograph of Hanna who won the main prize with her winnings. Thanks to Harvey for donating the bike and taking the photo.

Seven Stars Palque Unveiling

transparent fiddle Seven Stars Palque Unveiling
The Seven Stars Plaque will be unveiled on Friday 1st May at 12:30pm. There is also an series of events in the evening to 'wet the plaque's head'. Find out more about the plaque and these events.

Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay

transparent fiddle Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay
From Poll Tax Struggles To Recession Resistance An event by Bristol Anarchist Book Fair on Thursday 23rd April 2009 at the Cube from 7:30pm. £2/3. 19 years ago when the Tories tried to introduce the community charge, or Poll Tax, in England & Wales, they were met with a campaign of mass grassroots community resistance, in the form of anti-poll tax unions. About 17 million people refused to pay, and used a diverse range of tactics to confront the state and tax collectors. What can we learn […]

Big Prize Draw

transparent fiddle Big Prize Draw
The Plaque prize draw is happening this Saturday night as part of another legendary Who's Afear'd. Tickets are £1 each and available from the Seven Stars pub in Redcliffe, the Beaufort Arms in Hawkesbury Upton. You will be able to get tickets on the night as well. If a grand prize draw and Who's Afear'd aren't e'nough Martin O'wen will be also be performing. Proceedings at the Seven Stars kick of at 8:30pm, suggested donation £2. The plaque unveiling is at lunch time on Friday 1st May and will […]

Plaque Prize Draw

transparent fiddle Plaque Prize Draw
To raise the last few pounds needed to pay for the Seven Stars plaque we have organised a prize draw. Tickets are £1 each and available from the Seven Stars pub in Redcliffe, the Beaufort Arms in Hawkesbury Upton and from members of BRHG. If you would like to get hold of some tickets email The prize list keeps growing with each generous donation. At pressent the list is as follows: A reconditioned mountain bike from Tadman's Cycles. A bottle of very good champagne A case of […]

The Seven Stars Plaque Update

transparent fiddle The Seven Stars Plaque Update
The new plaque for the Seven Stars is progressing well and is due to go to the foundry next Tuesday. Below is a photo of the plaque in Mike Baker's workshop. A day of festivities has been planned at the Seven Stars for Friday 1st May 2009 with the plaque being unveiled at 12:30pm and a 'wet the plaques head' party in the evening. However, the plaque has not quite been paid for yet and funraising continues. If you would like to make a donation please email ***Please note that the […]

The Spring 2009 Programme Of Events

transparent fiddle The Spring 2009 Programme Of Events
Bristol Radical History Group offers a quality blend of events for Spring 2009, covering both historical and contemporary issues. We begin with future utopian visions (Nowtopia), consider the hidden histories of seminal events of the 1980s (Hillsborough and The Miners' Strike) and champion revolutionary thinkers who our rulers afear'd (Thomas Paine). To top it all we will be unveiling a plaque on the Seven Stars Pub to commemorate the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson and the Bristol sailors who blew […]

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