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Post-Racial or Beloved Community?

transparent fiddle Post-Racial or Beloved Community?
Post-Racial or Beloved Community?: Notes on the Future of American Radicalism in the Obama Age A talk focusing on grassroots organizations in NYC, L.A., Detroit, and New Orleans and the building of sustainable communities. We are very lucky to have one of the foremost historians of radical Black movements and cultures in the United States, Robin Kelley speaking in Bristol next week. Upstairs at the Stag and Hounds Pub, 74 Old Market Street, Bristol, BS2 0EJ.

Warren James On The Web

transparent fiddle Warren James On The Web
Those of you who missed the excellent Warren James day in the Forest of Dean last weekend and those who were there and want to relive it might be interested in the following link: Keep an eye open for photos etc. from the event.

Political Football – Meanings and Mystery at the World Cup

transparent fiddle Political Football – Meanings and Mystery at the World Cup
Monday 31st May, 7:30pm at Bristol West Indies Rose Green Centre, 65 Gordon Road, BS5 7DR With David Goldblatt The World Cup Finals, now 80 years old, attracts the biggest television audience of any global event. In an era of globalization, it is, if only for a month every four years, the closest we come to imagining and being a global community. It’s the kind of audience no state, no political movement can turn down and since the Uruguayans celebrated the centenary of national independence by […]

Election Special Swing-O-Meter

transparent fiddle Election Special Swing-O-Meter
Thanks to everybody who turned out for the Bristol Radical History Group Election Special. In all about 515 people turned up which averages out at 47 per event, peaking with around 80 for the walk and the Bring & Burn. It looks like we may just break even and so will live to fight another campaign. For those of you who were following the closely fought pamphlet constituency, Captain Swing narrowly won the seat with White Slavery coming in second. If you want details of our events as they […]

Every Cook Can Govern

transparent fiddle Every Cook Can Govern
Please note that the venue for Every Cook Can Govern has been changed from the GWRSA to the Stag And Hounds at the bottom of Old Market, next to the evening post building.

Remember the Spanish Brigaders

transparent fiddle Remember the Spanish Brigaders
The memorial to the four Bristol volunteers who joined the International Brigades to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War in Castle Park is to be surrounded by a vivid mosiac border in Republican colours and will be unveiled at 12 noon on 14th April - the anniversary of the day the Republic was declared in 1931. BRISTOL BRIGADERS William G. Boyce Jan. 20th 1938 Teruel William J. Burton Feb. 1937 Jarama Leslie Huson May 1938 Pneumonia, died in hospital. Terence Edward Stephens July 1938 Died in […]

In Contempt of All Authority

transparent fiddle In Contempt of All Authority
First published in 1980 this book has been re-published by a very (very, very) small publisher. It is well worth checking out. Buchanan Sharp In Contempt of All Authority Rural Artisans and Riot in the West of England, 1586-1660 Two of the most common types of popular disorders in late Tudor and early Stuart England were the food riots and the anti-enclosure riots in royal forests. Of particular interest are the forest riots known collectively as the Western Rising of 1626-1632, and the lesser […]

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