Subject Index: Slavery & Resistance

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Renaming the Colston Hall: An opportunity to rediscover the hidden history of Bristol

A close up of Colston's face from his statue in Bristol's centre
The following statement by BRHG historians was published in the Bristol Post last week in response to Councillor Richard Eddy's article the week before entitled: Prominent Tory: Renaming Bristol's Colston Hall 'panders to tiny minority'. Almost a century ago in 1920 the Reverend H. J. Wilkins of Westbury-on Trym penned a biography of Edward Colston which began to expose the troubling history surrounding Bristol’s so-called ‘moral saint’ and ‘great philanthropist’. Wilkins was astounded at the […]

The Slave Trader ‘Celebration Season’

A close up of Colston's face from his statue in Bristol's centre
The onset of autumn in Bristol sees several idiosyncratic ceremonies, rituals and traditions that remember the locally born slave trader Edward Colston. Whilst public display has in recent years retreated, commemoration and maintenance of a partial historical narrative focused only on philanthropic endeavours persists ‘behind closed doors’. These closed doors are, for the rest of the year, presented to the Bristolian public as some of the most ‘open’ and ‘welcoming’, they include some of the […]

Abolitionists in Bristol

According to historians of the slave-trade in Bristol there were 'precious few' Abolitionists in the city - but at least there were some and not just in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The last Anglo-Saxon Bishop, St Wulfstan, managed to get the 400 year-old trade of slaves between Bristol and Dublin banned in the 11th Century. Still obscured, the only 'good' story you can get from slavery is the banning of it. Bristol Radical History Group member Mark Steeds will try to shed some light upon the […]

Colston and slavery still obscured?

At last year’s Merchant Venturers Charter Day service at the cathedral the Bishop of Bristol, stated that Edward Colston had: lived a life of significance... [and there]... may be still some speculation on some of the circumstances around his business roots right here The Bishop of Bristol’s clumsy attempt to rewrite history, effectively claiming that Colston’s involvement in the business of the slave trade was ‘speculation’ is unsurprising. A similar kind of air brushing occurred during a BBC […]

The Great Anti-Slavery Convention

Slaves being flogged in Brasil
This artilce is taken from: Pictorial Times, "A Weekly Journal of News, Litrature, Fine Art and the Drama", Vol. 1 March 18 - August 19 1843, p211-213, Saturday June 17 1843. "Engravings by Henry Vizetelly and Others". This article was found in Bristol Central Reference Library. If you wich to use any of the pictures please contact them: THE GREAT ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION. This great Convention, composed of delegates from almost every land, assembled on Tuesday last at […]

The Life & Family of William Penn (MD)

Miscellaneous 2012
Red Emma's Bookstore, 800 St. Paul St. Baltimore, MD 21202. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

The Life & Family of William Penn (PA)

Miscellaneous 2012
Wooden Shoe Book, 704 South Street, Philadelphia PA 19147. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk. A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

The Life & Family of William Penn (NY)

Miscellaneous 2012
Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street, New York 10002. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

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