Subject Index: Riots & Disturbances


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From the Wild Bunch to Banksy

A short history of Bristol Counter Culture

In this audio/visual talk Richard Jones makes the case for Bristol Counter Culture of the 1980s thriving on neglect and follows a thread from the St Paul’s uprisings to the Wild Bunch, the Dug Out club, punk, the Battle of the Beanfield, street art in Barton Hill to the emergence of Banksy.  

‘A Fitting Receptacle for the Depraved and Abandoned’

Rethinking Punishment at Bristol’s New Gaol, 1816–1831

Bristol’s new gaol on Cumberland Road first opened its doors for business in 1820. Ambitiously conceived as a modern alternative to the crumbling, insecure and insanitary old prison at Newgate, the architects of the New Gaol sought to turn punishment into a science. Systems of hard labour, a treadwheel, constant surveillance, segregation, religious instruction and minimal interpersonal association were intended to target prisoners’ minds as well their bodies. The New Gaol’s reputation amongst […]

‘I fear there will be blood spilt this evening’: The Blandford Forum riots of 1831

In October 1831, the refusal of the House of Lords to pass new legislation for the reform of parliament plunged the whole country into a deep political crisis. Rioting broke out in a number of towns, leaving local authorities hard pressed to restore order. One such town was Blandford Forum in Dorset. Here, protesting crowds attacked the property of anti-reformers, defied the orders of local magistrates to disperse, and fought with an armed cavalry regiment sent out to tackle them. In the […]

Solidarity across the Severn: Newport, Bristol and Reform in 1831

  A new title from Six Points Publishing: In October 1831 as reform riots shook Bristol, the authorities urgently requested the help of troops stationed in South Wales. An infantry unit marched from Cardiff to Newport with the intention of boarding a steam boat to Bristol, but their way was blocked by a hostile crowd. This book explores the background to this incident, setting it in the context of the reform crisis in Newport, Monmouthshire and other parts of south Wales in the early 1830s. […]

Solidarity across the Severn

Newport, Bristol and Reform in 1831

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
In October 1831 as reform riots shook Bristol, the authorities urgently requested the help of troops stationed in south Wales. An infantry unit marched from Cardiff to Newport with the intention of boarding a steam boat to Bristol, but their way was blocked by a hostile crowd. This book explores the background to this incident, setting it in the context of the reform crisis in Newport, Monmouthshire and other parts of south Wales in the early 1830s.

They shall not pass: a century of anti-fascist and anti-racist action

‘The enemies of the working-class will arrive in yachts and limousines, not in small boats’ [banner seen in Bristol on Wednesday 7 August 2024] ‘If ever I lie dying on a Nazi street, there’ll be ten dead fascists at my feet’ [anti-fascist trad.] Introduction After a week or so of protests and riots by right wing nationalists and racists in early August, largely orchestrated on social media by far-right propaganda, lies and distortions, we are now faced by a police and government narrative […]

The Fight For Reform: RIOT1831! guided walk

Join Satsymph host Ralph Hoyte and Prof. Steve Poole on a located audio walk which reimagines the 1831 reform riots in which the people of Bristol rose up and demanded electoral and social reform, burning the Bishop’s Palace to the ground (it used to be part of Bristol Cathedral), as well as sacking and liberating the New Gaol (it’s now a new development behind M Shed) and destroying much of Queen Square. We will meet up outside the front of M Shed where your hosts will explain the background to […]

The 1831 reform riots in the southwest – display

In early October 1831, the defeat of the Second Reform Bill in the House of Lords led to a huge wave of pro-reform protests and disturbances across Britain and Ireland. Major disorders in the east Midlands, Dorset and Somerset were followed in Bristol by the most serious riot in nineteenth century England. This 11 panel display outlines the political context to the reform protests, both nationally and locally in the southwest, investigates the nature of the riots in Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, […]

Riot charges…why Bristol and Swansea?… and why now?

The recent use of riot charges against a protest and a wake

The following article was compiled over 2022 in response to the exceptional use of riot charges against defendants in Bristol and Swansea in the spring of 2021. Introduction The introduction of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (the Police Bill hereafter) in March 2021 was widely seen as an attempt by the Conservative government to clamp down on legitimate protest, particularly actions taken by climate protestors and the Black Lives Matter movement.[1] There was widespread […]

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