Subject Index: Religion


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Getting ‘Jerusalem’ Wrong

A Review of 'Witness Against the Beast: William Blake and the Moral Law' by E.P.Thompson ‘Christ died as an unbeliever’ [William Blake] ‘Rouze up O Young Men of the New Age! set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! we have Hirelings in the Camp. the Court. & the University: who would if they could, for ever depress Mental & prolong Corporeal War’ [William Blake] Watching the Olympic opening ceremony the other night I noticed that the hymn Jerusalem so beloved of public schools, […]

a glorious Liberty

By A L Morton The Ranters formed the extreme left wing of the sects which came into prominence during the English Revolution, both theologically and politically. Theologically these sects lay between the poles of orthodox Calvinism, with its emphasis on the power and justice of God as illustrated in the grand scheme of election and reprobation, with its insistence upon the reality of Hell in all its most literal horrors and upon the most verbal and dogmatic acceptance of the Scriptures, and of […]

Havoc In Its Third Year

By Ronan Bennett
Havoc in its Third Year is Bennett’s third novel. It is set the 1630s in the period leading up to the English civil wara town in northern England which had recently removed a corrupt and tyrannical local aristocrat, only then to be ruled by a new repressive puritanical regime. Bennett is a writer of deep political conviction and this novel deals with universal themes, in particular the corrupting forces of power, fear of the outsider and the destitute and the nature of moral and political […]

The Family of William Penn

Miscellaneous 2012
Liam Flynn's Ale House 22W. North Ave. Tel. (443) 956 1702 The Family of William Penn: Their Role in the brutal Colonisation of Ireland The Story of the Penn family's involvement in Cromwell's bloody occupation of Ireland, their amassing of land and estates by force and their role as aristocatic absentee landlords. A mighty counter-blast to the accepted depiction of the Penns as peace lovers, promoters of brotherhood and religious freedom.  

The Life & Family of William Penn (MD)

Miscellaneous 2012
Red Emma's Bookstore, 800 St. Paul St. Baltimore, MD 21202. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

The Life & Family of William Penn (PA)

Miscellaneous 2012
Wooden Shoe Book, 704 South Street, Philadelphia PA 19147. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk. A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

The Life & Family of William Penn (NY)

Miscellaneous 2012
Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street, New York 10002. 260 years of bloody colonial history - an illustrated talk A mighty counter blast to the deoiction of Quaker, Willaim Penn as a peace lover and promoter of brotherhood and religious freedom. It will include: how Penn's family accumulated their wealth over five generations; their constant anti-republicanism; their involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the bloody colonial British expansion into Ireland, Jamaica and America. It […]

The Bible: The most dangerous book in the world?

transparent fiddle Not A BRHG Event
At Hooper House Cafe Part of Bristol Festival of Literature. Canon Tim Higgins, Bristol Radical History Group, Marvin Rees For more than 400 years, the Bible has been available to anyone who can read English. This legacy is all around us. The guests go head to head in this debate to see if it qualifies as a truly ‘radical’ text. Listen to this talk: Download this talk (47 Mb mp3 files)
Event Details
Date: , 2011
Note: This event was not organised by BRHG.
Section: Events
Subjects: Religion
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