Subject Index: History (Theory & Practice)


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Remembering the Real WWI: Public meeting

Next year is the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The British government plans to spend £55 million marking this occasion (and the centenary of other stages of the war). Comments from David Cameron calling for a 'truly national commemoration' stressing our 'national spirit' suggest what he has in mind. He has even compared the government's plans with last year's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. For the majority of people in Europe, whether directly involved or not, the war was […]

A Marxist History of the World in 45 Minutes

We face the greatest crisis in the history of humanity. Economic depression, imperialist war, climate catastrophe, and grotesque social inequalities threaten to tear the world apart. What is to be done? The lesson of history is that human beings make their own history. Launching his new book, A Marxist History of the World: from Neanderthals to Neoliberals, archaeologist and historian Neil Faulkner argues that history is open and contested. It is an active process of creation in which different […]

A Marxist History of the World in 45 Minutes

Tuesday 21st May 7.00pm Hydra Bookshop, 34 Old Market St., Bristol, BS2 0EZ with Neil Faulkner We face the greatest crisis in the history of humanity. Economic depression, imperialist war, climate catastrophe, and grotesque social inequalities threaten to tear the world apart. What is to be done? The lesson of history is that human beings make their own history. Launching his new book, A Marxist History of the World: from Neanderthals to Neoliberals, archaeologist and historian Neil Faulkner […]

Radical History ‘From Below’

Miscellaneous 2012
Niebyl-Proctor Library 6501 Telegraph - one block north of Alcatraz Oakland USA Bart: Ashby The Bristol Radical History Group (BRHG) from the UK explores history from below, opening up hidden histories and critiquing mainstream narratives. Bristol Radical History Group was born from an expanded sports club with the idea of opening up the hidden history of their home city to public scrutiny, to challenge some commonly held ideas about historical events and approach this history from ‘below’. The […]

Radical History From Below

Miscellaneous 2012
Red and Black Cafe, 400 SE 12th Avenue (Buckman), Portland, OR 97212, USA The Bristol Radical History Group explores history from below, opening up hidden histories and critiquing mainstream narratives. Roger Ball talks about their fun and innovative project. Bristol Radical History Group was born from an expanded sports club with the idea of opening up the hidden history of their home city to public scrutiny, to challenge some commonly held ideas about historical events and approach this […]

Barton Hill History Group

The Barton Hill History Group was founded in 1983 After an inspirational local community exhibition at the Barton Hill Settlement, the Barton Hill History Group was formed in September 1983. The aim of learning about Barton Hill's past proved popular and, directed by an enthusiastic committee the Group steadily grew. Since then, through many displays, meetings, presentations, publications and exhibitions, the BHHG has matured into Bristol's most active, consistent and imaginative local history […]

Sparrows Nest Library & Archive

The Sparrows' Nest was established in 2008 by members of the Anarchist Federation’s Nottingham group with the involvement of other class struggle anarchists. It is a ‘Centre for Anarchist Culture and Education’, in a house, in St. Ann’s. The Library and Archive is our major project. We set it up to inform people about the ideology and history of Anarchism in its many forms, and about working class struggles in our region.Sparrows Nest Library & Archive.

Remembering Olive Collective

Do you remember Olive Morris? was a community art project seeking to bring to wider public attention the history of Brixton-based activist Olive Morris (1952-1979). In her short life, Olive Morris co-founded the Brixton Black Women’s Group and the Organisation of Women of Asian and African Descent (OWAAD) and was part of the British Black Panther Movement. She campaigned for access to education, decent living conditions for Black communities and fought against state and police repression. […]

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