We are celebrating two anniversaries this year! 2016 marks the 10th birthday of the Bristol Radical History Group. This year we have also organised the 5th Radical History Zone (RHZ). The RHZ is an autonomous space for ideas about radical history that takes place alongside the annual Bristol Anarchist Bookfair. As ever there will be an eclectic mix of topics taking a critical approach to hidden history, with perspectives and themes rarely explored in conventional histories or the mainstream […]
Dave and Stuart Wise were the unrepentant core of 1960’s revolutionary group King Mob, part of the English section of the Situationist International (an ephemeral affiliation; the notoriously fractious SI expelled them). This will be a rare opportunity to hear them in conversation with members of the Bristol Radical History Group (and whoever wants to chip in!). In a kind of open mic radical history session, we seek to revisit the (anti-)work of his majesty King Mob where it belongs; unmediated, […]
History From Below networking and new visions of how to research and communicate radical history Transcription and slides from a multimedia talk by Roger Ball and Peter Box at Manchester Metropolitan University, 11 May, 2015 This talk covers: The recent history of movements studying History From Below: History Workshop Movement (UK), Dig Where You Stand (Sweden) and ‘Geschichtswerkstätten’ (Germany) The growth, diversity of approaches and activities in the current international History From […]
Not A BRHG Event
Join us for the annual Bristol Local History Book Fair. Books and pamphlets on sale from Bristol publishers, authors and societies. Browse a wide selection of local history titles and listen to free talks in the afternoon: 12.00pm – Martin Powell: the story of the world’s first test tube baby 1.30pm – Helen Thomas and Rosie Tomlinson: The Bedminster Tobacco Women project 2.30pm – Jacqueline Wadsworth: Florence, Maude, and the First World War 3.30pm – Molly Conisbee: A brief history of the […]
Eric Hobsbawn: Socialist Historian
This publication by The Socialist History Society is a record of a special event in 2013 to celebrate and assess the work of the late Marxist and historian, Professor Eric Hobsbawm. The centre section of this publication, entitled ‘Hobsbawm’s Tetralogy’ focuses on his four important writings The Age of Revolution, Primitive Rebels, The Age of Capital and The Age of Extremes, beginning at the French revolution in 1789 and concluding towards the end of the twentieth century in 1991. According to […]
Published in 2012, All Knees and Elbows critically surveys tendencies which sought to uncover the agency of ‘ordinary’ people in challenging capitalism and developing different forms of social organisation. All Knees and Elbows engages the work of a number of British and international left historians and groups, including Silvia Federici, History Workshop, Eric Hobsbawm, C.L.R James, Peter Linebaugh, Sheila Rowbotham, Jacques Rancière and E.P. Thompson. Anthony Iles and Tom Roberts will […]
A radical history group from Frome and Bath.
Bristol Record Office holds almost two million documents which record the history of the city and the surrounding area from the 12th century to the present day. These include minutes, accounts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs and films created by many types of organisations and people.
Bristol Records office have launched their new online catalogue. Bristol Record Office holds almost two million documents which record the history of the city and the surrounding area from the 12th century to the present day. These include minutes, accounts, letters, diaries, maps, photographs and films created by many types of organisations and people.
Not A BRHG Event
Booksellers will include Bristol Books, Bygone Bristol, Redcliffe Press, the South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group and Tangent Books, several independent authors – and more. 10am-1pm Family history advice from the Bristol & Avon Family History Society 1.30pm – Bristol: the City at War, 1914-1918 (Eugene Byrne, co-author of ‘Bravo Bristol!’) As a major British city and port, Bristol played a key role in the First World War. Join Eugene for stories of Bristolians on the battlefield, on […]