Subject Index: Environmental
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ACTION NOW! The Forest of Dean

ACTION NOW!The Forest of Dean is being Enclosed and Sold off! Join us for a 'walk' on Sunday the 3rd of February! Take Notice, Foresters All, that Free Peoples of the Forest, intend to Meet at 12o'clock near the Free Miner Monument in Cinderford Triangle on Sunday next, the 3rd of February instant for the purpose of Opening the Forest, which hath in part of late been enclosed and threatened with Privatisation, Sale, "Land Exchanges" and other forms of political thievery and corruption. We […]
HOOF Say’s: Let’s Have A Party

HANDS Off Our Forest is organising a celebratory party at Speech House, and everyone is invited to let their hair down and cheer the campaign’s victory. Musicians and entertainers, who rallied to the cause of keeping our Forest in public ownership, will be singing songs – many inspired by the great HOOF battle - with a little poetry and comedy also included. It’s hoped that everything from brass to lively acoustic music will help create a party atmosphere. Entry to the HOOF Celebration, on […]
PUPPET SHOW – Roots of Resistance: 20 years of Earth First! – Otherstory

Using a magical "live animation " technique, Roots of Resistance celebrates the rise of radical ecological activism in the last 20 years: from the treetops of Newbury to the tops of power station chimneys. It draws together personal stories, and brings to life both legendary and more recent victories, in an inspiring call to action.
Roots of Ecological Resistance – 20 Years of Earth First!

A puppet show and workshop celebrating 20 years of ecological activism: from the treetops of Newbury, to planting trees on the M11, to the tops of power station chimneys. Using a magically simple puppetry technique - like an animated zine - explore stories of past actions and have a go at creating your own. Watch this talk: If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing
Hands off our forest – saving the Forest of Dean

We have just seen a massive U turn by this government as a result of huge ground swell of public opinion against the proposed sell off of the Forestry Commission Estate. In the autumn of 2010, the campaign kicked off in the Forest of Dean with a huge public meeting in Cinderford which was attended by over 500 people and a rally in Speech House attended by 3000 people. Tory MP Mark Harper was invited to speak at both these events to present his case, but refused. A number of organisations have […]
The Sharpness Nuclear Waste Train Blockade

The story of a direct action by activists from Bristol, Bath and Stroud in 1980; told by one of those who took part with film footage taken during the action. The blockade is placed in the context of the successful campaign of direct action involving railway workers, seafarers and environmental NGOs that stopped nuclear waste dumping at sea. Watch this talk: If you see this text the video has failed to play. Please let us know by emailing
Street Farming

Peter Crump was a member of Street Farm, a London-based collective of anarchist architects and designers working in the early 1970s. They published Street Farmer, an underground paper that, alongside mutating tower blocks, cosmic tractors and sprouting one-way signs, put forward manifestos for the radical transformation of urban living. They offered a powerful vision of green cities in the control of ordinary people (and ordinary sheep), not capitalist, statist, socialist or any other kind of […]

Nowtopia: How pirate programmers, outlaw bicyclists, and guerilla gardeners are inventing the future today. Chris Carlsson, acclaimed author, activist and founder of the Critical Mass bicycling movement in San Francisco explains how, as capitalism continues its inexorable process of global enclosure, new practices are emerging that are redefining politics. People are taking back their time and technological know-how from the market in small under-the-radar ways, and in doing so are establishing […]
Yesterday’s To-morrow
Bristol's Garden Suburbs

In 1909, Bristol Garden Suburb Limited was set up to implement the ideas Ebenezer Howard popularised in To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. However, Bristol’s most authentic Arts and Crafts-style garden suburb, in Shirehampton, boasted only two streets when the outbreak of the First World War halted construction. In the inter-war years, garden-city principles inspired the building programme designed to deliver ‘homes fit for heroes’, with developments at Sea Mills and the Fry’s chocolate […]