Subject Index: Commons, Customary Rights & Enclosures

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Nettle Beer

Bottles filled, labelled and ready to go.
Or How To Brew a Different Social Relationship Based on Commoning Rather Than Alienation (including a br ief exploration of 800 years of history including both the use of Structural Adjustment Policies by the IMF and of the use of sugar in making alcohol) Until recently I had no experience of brewing beer, but I did have a interesting revelation / discovery courtesy of Peter Linebaugh, the US based radical historian. The revelation occurred during an event organised by Bristol Radical History […]

A poem about Charles Bishop’s quest to re-open a right of way through St Anne’s Wood in 1884.

By Julie Boston Bristol 1884 CHARLES BISHOP BATTLED ON Bristol 1884 'Who's that walking through my woods? Who's that fishing In my stream? Who's that drinking from my well? Who's that trampling on my dream? 'Last month I bought St Anne's Estate – The woods, the ferry and the Well – Put a lock on every gate Trespassers can go to Hell. How dear little Angelina dotes On her piebald pony and pedigree goats' James Sinnott, the villain of this tale, thought his plan couldn't fail if the ferryboat […]

Some Thoughts And Observations On Bristol Radical History Group’s Summer Party

Reclaim the Hill!: A celebration of the radical history of Brandon Hill and Stop the College Green Dispersal Order Despite the vagaries of the English summer of 2007, a small but feisty mob of radical historians, skate boarders and cider drinkers gathered on Brandon Hill in Clifton on August 19th. We were both celebrating the 175th anniversary of the invasion of the Great Reform Dinner and protesting against the dispersal order served on Bristol citizens this summer. What is the connection? […]

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