A walk though time and space with Mark Steeds, covering no less than 1,500 years of Bristols historic connections with Dublin and featuring Saints and Sinners, Roundheads and Royalists, Colonists and Criminals, Transportees and Treachery, Merchants and Murders… From the efforts of Wulfstan in 1090 to ban the trade in Anglo Saxon slaves with the invading Vikings in Dublin, via the Easter Monday massacre of 1209 in Killin Woods, outside of Dublin, when 500 new settlers from Bristol were attacked […]
BRHG brings together a selection of posters of the Mozambican Revolution from the ‘Our Sophisticated Weapon’ exhibition and other archival material relating to the campaign for independence and the ensuing civil war. Speaker: 11.30am - Dave Spurgeon will guide you through the exhibits. A full exhibition of ‘Our Sophisticated Weapon: Posters of the Mozambican Revolution’ will be held by Bristol Link with Beira at Bristol Central Library from 12 May to 15 June 2025 commemorating 50 years of […]
After a 10 year wait BRHG are very pleased to announce a special one-off showing of London Recruits as part of this years festival. The film will be followed by a discussion by some of those who took part in actions against the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1960s and 70s. By the late 1960s, the Apartheid regime in South Africa had reached brutal new heights. Nelson Mandela and other freedom fighters had been imprisoned, killed or forced into exile. The African National Congress (ANC) […]
The Great Hunger of the late 1840s devastated Ireland and had a profound impact on the wider world. Around 10% of the population perished from hunger and disease, while a further 10% fled into exile to escape the famine at home. The Irish population in Britain doubled between 1841 and 1861. By 1900, two in every five Irish people were living overseas. Unsurprisingly, this remains one of the most contested chapters in Irish history. In this presentation Fin Dwyer tackles the history of this most […]
Not A BRHG Event
Dorset’s Fifth Radical Bookfair will take place on Saturday 5th October 2024 at Bad Hand Coffee Roasters: The Roastery, 7 Norwich Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 5QZ. Doors open 11:00, close at 17:00. Our e-mail for enquiries dorsetbookfair@riseup.net Our website (here) farcebook event BRHG members will be running a bookstall and are providing two talks: Talks and panels 11:30 – 12:30 Working with refugees in Portland. Hosted by Global Friendship Group. Activists of the Global Friendship Group […]
Not A BRHG Event
Sarah Lundberg Summer School - Seán O'Casey Theatre, St Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin 3, Ireland The 10th annual Sarah Lundberg Summer School is an exploration of the concept of commemoration, remembrance and celebration. Who decides what is remembered and how do we remember it ? Are all commemorations of equal importance, can remembrance be 'neutral' or is there always an agenda ? Does history dictate how we commemorate the past, or do commemorations shape how we view the past ? Presentations […]
Co-chair of the memorialisation task group for the Bristol Legacy Foundation, Cleo Lake has been exploring potential sites for a new memorial dedicated to African ancestors and their contribution to Bristol. Queen Square presented itself as a tranquil and historical option that is near but away from the bustle of the harbourside in the city centre. Dominated however by the statue of William III at its centre, Cleo decided to research further into who he was and discovered an intriguing reference […]
In 1804, the former Caribbean slave colony of Haiti became the first free black republic in the world, having emancipated itself by force of arms by defeating the armies of France, Britain and Spain on the battlefield. This new nation sought international allies to help safeguard its hard-worn freedom in a world of imperial slavery. In this talk, we uncover the lost story of Thomas Goodall, a Bristolian who served as Haiti's first Admiral and tangled with the Royal Navy in the fight to defend […]
Book tickets for the showing here. BRHG are very pleased to welcome Arlen Harris (co-director) and Luke Daniels to Bristol to discuss this new documentary profiling the Guyanese revolutionary Walter Rodney. ‘Walter Rodney: What they don’t Want you to Know’ is an original 72-minute documentary featuring a murder, Cold War conspiracies, Black Power, the end of Empire, and how that connects to the policing, surveillance practices and social movements of today. This is the first film where Walter’s […]
The Bristol #WithMyanmar Group will briefly introduce their support and solidarity work with people in Myanmar, and also now living in Bristol and the UK. This is both in the three years since the latest military coup in February 2021, and previously, when it was possible to visit Myanmar. A Myanmar speaker will then reflect on Myanmar's history since liberation from British colonial rule in 1948 (then known as Burma), which has included over 60 years of brutal military rule, and numerous […]