Subject Index: Anarchism


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The Spanish Anarchists of Merthyr in the Early Twentieth Century

This talk will focus on an on-going research project into the anarchist elements of the wider Spanish community in Dowlais and Abercraf, c.1900-1920. Following a shortage of labour during the Second Boer War (1899-1902) the management of the Dowlais Iron Works used its subsidiary company in the Basque region to encourage Spanish labourers and their families to move to South Wales. By 1911 there were 264 Spaniards in the borough of Merthyr Tydfil, part of an international community which also […]

Black Flags and Windmills

Creating power from below

When both levees and governments failed in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the anarchist-inspired Common Ground Collective was created to fill the void. With the motto of 'Solidarity Not Charity', they worked to create power from below; building autonomous projects, programs, and spaces of self-sufficiency like health clinics and neighborhood assemblies, while also supporting communities defending themselves from white militias and police brutality, illegal home demolitions and […]

A Girl Among the Anarchists

By Isabel Meredith
From its advent as a modern worldview anarchism was always too pure a faith to be properly judged by the conduct of its adherents and practitioners. Or so it would seem from A Girl Among the Anarchists, one of several novels that lifts the lid on that simmering cauldron that was the Victorian anarchist scene. First published in 1903, the University of Nebraska deemed this rare book of the belle epoch worthy of reprinting in 1992. The fact that it was written by insiders is the virtue that sets […]

Borders and Technology

Public discussion event Friday February 20th 2015 7-9pm @ Hydra Bookshop 34 Old Market Bristol BS2 0EZ Speakers: Statewatch Breaking the Frame hosts speakers and discussion on contemporary and historical surveillance and control over the movement of people, plus resistance.

Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds

A Radical History of Bristol, 1880-1939

Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds front cover
This book can be bought from In the 1970s and 80s a revival of interest emerged in researching Bristol’s vigorous radical past, reflected in the publications of the Bristol branch of the Historical Association and Bristol Broadsides. This revival has continued, echoed in the more recent historical studies that have advanced the work of filling in Bristol’s remarkable past — especially the involvement of the Bristol women’s movement in the nineteenth century in anti-slavery […]

Radical History Zone 2015

The 7th Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will be on Saturday 25th April 2015 at The Trinity Centre. If you want to get a stall at the 'early bird' discount rate you should do so by 14th February. As part of the bookfair Bristol Radical History Group will again be running the Radical History Zone hosted as usual by Hydrabooks, just down the road from Trinity. The programme for the RHZ is being finalised and will be published when all the speakers have been confirmed.

The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare

By G. K. Chesterton
G. K. Chesterton’s The Man Who Was Thursday not only draws upon the historic stigmatisation of anarchists but also self-consciously explores and develops the caricature. The novel was first published in 1908. During the late Nineteenth Century anarchism had emerged as a distinct militant strand of socialism, a distinction underlined by the exclusion of anarchists from the Second International. By 1908 the anarchist movement had been heavily vilified due to various individualist ‘outrages’. […]

Anarchy In A Cold War

By Kurtis Sunday
Anarchy In A Cold War is set in divided Berlin in 1981. But Berlin is far more divided than just the Cold War divisions of East and West. The book centres on the squatter culture against the state, and the “Bullen” (police) who harass, beat and arrest the squatters. The narrative also highlights the rich culture of the street, and the different groups, political and racial, that inhabit the thoroughfares of Berlin. There are a lot of parties, and support networks. However, the main characters in […]

Bookfair Dates

The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair will be on April 25th 2015 at The Trinty Centre a fortnight before the General Election. The Bookfair will include – 2 halls filled with stalls from local campaigns & groups to national anarchist distros & publishers; workshops & meetings to discuss & debate the key issues; the Radical History Zone down the road at Hydra Bookshop; activities in Trinity Garden’s outdoor permaculture green space; an outdoor Soap-Box for Ranters; a quality vegan cafe; […]

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