
Suffragette Day

transparent fiddle Suffragette Day
Saturday 31st October. 12-2:30pm Garrett Vrs. Churchill 12pm Bristol Temple Meads On 15 November 1909 in Temple Meads Station Winston Churchill, then Home Secretary, stepped from a railway carriage and was attacked by Theresa Garnett (a member of the Women's Social and Political Union) who was wielding a riding crop. Or, as Votes For Women put it: Moved by the spirit of pure chivalry, Miss Garnett took what she thought to be the best available means of avenging the insult done to womanhood by […]

History Walk

transparent fiddle History Walk
Saturday 31st October 2009 As part of the Trapese Popular Education Collective's 'Start Producing the Future' events BRHG are having a Radical History Walk around Bristol. The walk starts from The Arnolfini at 3pm and will finish at the same place at about 5pm. The walk will take in the scenes of some radical activism, both ancient and modern, and compare this with the actions of the 'mob'. So, come for a little light exercise and learn about Thomas Clarkson, Jame Nayler, St. Wulfsan, Dorothy […]

The Enemy Without Video

transparent fiddle The Enemy Without Video
This video from the Enemy Without: Coal, Climate & Class has been added to the video archive. The blurb for the event went like this: Speakers: Robin S (Workers Climate Action), John Cunningham (writer for Metamute), Emma Stone (CCS expert), Tyrone O'Sullivan (Ex miner and union, Tower Colliery), Will B As a follow up to the history of the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike we consider the legacy of this momentous event and the environmental and social contradictions it has thrown up since. A panel of […]

New Audio Files

transparent fiddle New Audio Files
The following audio files have been added to the website. Steve Mills and Ian Bone at the Working Class Bookfair Dan Bennett and Steve Mills at Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Roger, Kev Davis and Steve Mills at Bridport Steve Tilzey - No Retreat BCFM interview from 2008

A Barbarous And Ungovernable People

transparent fiddle A Barbarous And Ungovernable People
Bristol Radical Pamphleteer number 11 has now been published. A Barbarous And Ungovernable People by Steve Mills is a look at the often uneasy relationship between the miners of Kingswood Forest and the people and authorities of Bristol. Expect riots, turnpik abuse and the death of an innocent parrot. Find out about our full range of pamphlets on the Pamphlet Page.

No Retreat

transparent fiddle No Retreat
Monday 5th October 2009, 8pm at the Cube Cinema, Entry £3/£4 (but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds.) Bristol Indymedia & Bristol Radical History are pleased to welcome Dave Hann & Steve Tilzey, the authors of 'No Retreat' - a powerful account of their fight-back against far-right Nazis and racists on the streets of the UK from the 70s though to the 90s. With the BNP gaining two seats in the European elections, the authors deliver constant and powerful message that fascism thrives […]

BRHG In Bridport

transparent fiddle BRHG In Bridport
On Saturday 26th September BRHG will be staging some events in Bridport. 12.00pm-2.00pm The Town Hall: Steve Mills and Kev Davis talk about social crime and punishment, and smuggling in Poole. 2.00pm Bucky Doo Square: The recreation of a satirical pirate trial as related in Villains of all Nations and Johnson's History of Piracy, plus some gallows speeches by pirates etc. Other oddities include a ‘noose tying' workshop, John Gregory's hanging poems and pirate stuff for kids. In the evening Who's […]

BRHG At The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

transparent fiddle BRHG At The Bristol Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday 12th September, at The Island (Artspace Lifespace at the Bridewell), Bristol Members of BRHG will be doing three talks/discussions: From Peterloo to Captain Swing: Victims or Insurgents? - Roger Room 1 Ground Floor: 11.00am-12.00pm: A BRHG talk on the hidden history of struggle in the 19th century. It focuses on how and why major struggles have been ignored or distorted by the left as well as the right. A Brief History of Corporations - Dan Bennett The Films and Media Workshops room […]

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